
Humanitarian projects in Kumasi, Ghana : Kumasi Children's Home, Kumasi Children's Hospital, and Good Shepherd Junior High School


Humanitarian projects in Kumasi, Ghana : Kumasi Children's Home, Kumasi Children's Hospital, and Good Shepherd Junior High School

Lundi 30 novembre 2009 à 22:42

In exactly two weeks, the water project was finished! there is now clean and constant water running throught the pipes at the children's hospital, serving the maternity ward, the laboratory, the malnutrition rehabilitaion centre and the children's building.
Thank you to all, continue to support us!

Lundi 30 novembre 2009 à 22:34

This is where most of my newest funds will go. What the Children’s Hospital needed most was water, so Gladys and I have decided to put together a team which could see us through this project. Thanks to strategic relations and very good-hearted people, we have been able to establish a great price for drilling this well on the hospital grounds – about 2650€ to get it into the Hospital’s pipes.

We told the people and some engineers about this project andt told them ce could fund it, and a few days later they came in with a drilling machine to start the work! ... 



My parents, Karen and Gerard Planche, have paid for the entire project, so that it could be done while I was here to see it. Right now the engineer and electrician in charge of the project have taken the water to a laboratory to test for cleanliness. It is almost finished! The commissioning will be tomorrow and I will take some pictures there.

Lundi 30 novembre 2009 à 22:28


The Maternal and Child Health Hospital does not receive any extra funds for their rapidly decaying building (which was built in 1924 by the colonial forces).  This branch of the main hospital is forgotten and left to thirst by the government, which has just implemented a system of National Health Care.  The consequence is that the patients come in many numbers, and the hospital can no longer receive funds from private payments.

So what they need is funds to build infrastructure, a generator for a reliable electricity system, but more importantly water. They rely on old donated water tanks, currently rusted; they get their water from Ghana’s public water system, which supplies them once per week and often leaves shortages. I was told a gruesome story about doctors who were bringing a child to the world, and ran to the sink with bloody arms and … did not have water. The children whose condition requires them to be washed can often not be done quickly or with the quality water needed, sometimes worsening their sickness! It’s one of those things that we have only heard of on TV or reportages… it is so different and overwhelming to realize it is real.


Vendredi 13 novembre 2009 à 13:37

http://rainbowinghana.cowblog.fr/images/CIMG0643.jpgThe orphans at the Kumasi Children's Home sit around most of the day, so i decided just to start out I would get them some markers and papers on your behalf, all this costing in total 2 GH cedis, which is equivalent to less than a euro. See how far the smallest donation can go!http://rainbowinghana.cowblog.fr/images/CIMG0644.jpg

I am telling those who are old enough to understand about you guys back home, and they are impressed at how you can give from what you have without knowing who they are!

Mercredi 4 novembre 2009 à 15:03

http://rainbowinghana.cowblog.fr/images/CIMG0389.jpgBesides the sad things I have and will describe, there is an overall feeling of happiness at the children's homhttp://rainbowinghana.cowblog.fr/images/CIMG0362.jpge. The children are glad and giggly for the smallest things, whether it is a smile from one of the caretakers or a curious poke from a peer. It is obvious that their condition makes it logical that ils se contentent de peu, but this remains impressive. It even remains when they grow up, I can tell as I talk to the older girls.

They have one TV, and the children watch whatever's on, which is sometimes the news, and other times not-so-edifying stuff. In the picture above, you can see them dancing to the music channel and teaching the younger kids how to dance. From where I'm sitting, everyone else is clapping along and watching them, smiling.

Everyone shares everything here, and it is closer to a "children's home" as they call it, or a big family than an orphanage. As you can see at the bottom of the picture, the children learn as early as 4 how to feed the younger ones. It gives the older children something to do, and they develop really close relationships with one another.

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