How To Finish Mission 4…..

Here is a guide of how to do the mission. Written by Crabby Kitty.

1. Talk to G and he will open the Gadget Room.

2. In the Gadget Room pick up the Life Preserver Launcher and place it in your Inventory.

3. Enter the Ski Lodge and pick up the Fishing Rod near the Ice Fishing Door and place it in your inventory.

4. Head to the Lighthouse and place the Rope near the Life-Boat in your inventory.

5. Put the three items you have found so far into one slot to combine them into one.

6. Head to the Sports Shop and take the Pirate’s Belt from the Green Penguin Statue and place it into your inventory.

7. Go to the Ski Village and then click on the Ski Lift.

8. Place the Pirate’s Belt onto the Ski Lift to fix it.

9. Pick up the White Fibers near the Ski Lift.

10. Go to the Lighthouse Beacon and use the Wrench in the Spy Phone to unscrew the Telescope and place it into your inventory.

11. Go to the Sports Shop and head up the stairs to G’s Room.

12. Place the Telescope on the Tripod near the window. Click on the Telescope to see the Route.

13. Head to the Mountain and go down the Ridge Run trail.

14. You have to follow a path down the Ridge Run track which is Middle, Left, Right, Middle, Right.

15. Once at the bottom you’ll see Inner Tubes. Take out the Life Preserver.

16. Grab the First Penguin on the little branch. Then grab the next penguin on the ledge. Drop one of the penguins on the branch and use the other one to grab the penguin under it. Then grab the one on the branch and drop all three on the ledge with the rock and they will push the rock down. Grab all three penguins and drop down to grab the last one. Now you’ve rescued all the penguins.

17. Back at the Mountain talk to G and hand him the Fiber’s to finish the mission.


Medal: Medal of Excellence

Reward: Handy Penguin Award

Letter: You get only one chance to read this letter. Then it self destructs.

~ Crabby Kitty

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