Adventures of Pinky: DTC Lunch with Selena Dunham

Yesterday, Selena Dunham, Principle of Classique, LLC spoke about her life at the DTC Luncheon.  What an amazing speaker!  She started out in banking, then after 20 years she transitioned into working for the government and met many influential people including President Clinton.  After several years working for Congresswoman Diana DeGette, she went to work for a national hotel chain and the experience taught her a lot about the importance of service and etiquette.  She worked also worked for an international school then became the Chief of Staff with the Denver 2008 Convention Host Committee, which planned and organized the 2008 Democratic National Convention.  What amazed me most was that she directed and planned the training for 20,000 volunteers, oversaw the staffing needs for the entire Host Committee.  Now she owns Classique, LLC, a Private Client Service Company, which offers training and consulting for individuals, corporations on fundraising, political consulting and the etiquette of entertaining clients.  She has done so much in her life and she was so dynamic and funny, it left me in awe.  What a great lunch!  I’ll see you next week!


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