Changes in store for the Coney Island Boardwalk

8 02 2010

The 2.7-mile Coney Island Boardwalk has been the topic of songs and movies, and a favorite tourist location known for its amusement parks and rides.

Coney Island

Coney Island (credit: Wikipedia)

Nevertheless, big changes are in store for this American iconic symbol, officially known as Riegelmann Boardwalk, which has become a hot topic in news and the blogosphere.

Since its grand opening in 1923, the boardwalk has undergone frequent repairs and numerous reconstructions. Issues range from loose or dilapidated boards in need of replacement to popped-up nails and gaping holes, as reported by the New York Daily News.

Bypassing the numerous repairs, New York City Parks and Recreation has opted to use concrete to strengthen and stabilize the boardwalk.

Work has already begun, demolishing damaged portions of the wooden boardwalk, which will be replaced with colored and textured pre-cast concrete slabs.

The texture on the concrete will mimic actual wood timbers, providing aesthetic appeal and preserving the historical significance of the walk.

The $13.7 million project, two-year construction contract was awarded to T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc., and through APC Precast, Scott System is on the job, using their urethane form liner molds to create wood-textured concrete planks.



2 responses

8 02 2010
Tweets that mention Changes in store for the Coney Island Boardwalk « Concrete Art --

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Liz Pope, Scott System. Scott System said: Changes in Store for Coney Island Boardwalk: wooden walkway replaced with wood-textured concrete planks <blog post> […]

7 11 2011
Decorative Concrete Houston

It must be a great honour to be a part of this big and historic project… Keep up the good work guys!

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