Commercial window cleaning
Commercial window cleaning
Commercial window cleaning contracts

Commercial Window Cleaning Contracts

Like any business, commercial window cleaning contracts will not just fall out of the sky and into your lap. You must go out and get the work. This applies for new companies just starting as well as established ones seeking to grow or replace lost income. How you go about generating new business is not necessarily a science or a secret, but it does require dedication. Here are three ways to help you obtain new commercial window cleaning contracts.


The oldest and most used method is to simply canvass buildings in the local area you're targeting. This method is not the favourite by any means, especially since most window cleaners get into the business because they like the work of cleaning windows, but it is a method that works. There is a plentiful amount of commercial window cleaning contracts to be had if you are willing to make phone calls, send emails, and meet face-to-face with prospective clients.

If you plan to use the canvassing method be prepared to be persistent. Contacts are almost never made on the first attempt; face-to-face meetings usually require several contacts before they are set up. Above all, go armed with all the information you'll need to answer customer questions. If by some chance you don't know the answer to a particular question, don't make something up. Politely tell your contact you will find out the answer and get back to him later.

Trade Groups and Business associations

Networking is perhaps the most effective way to generate interest and land new commercial window cleaning contracts. Having coffee with business owners of all types gives you access not only to them, but to everyone they know as well. You'd be surprised how often someone in a completely unrelated field is made aware of his customer's window cleaning needs and can provide you with a name and number. Developing good relationships with other business owners also allows you to use their name when approaching their clients.

Where window cleaning trade groups are concerned the opportunity to find "excess" work is there as well. Since the U.K. has such a high demand for window cleaning, established companies sometimes have to turn away new commercial window cleaning contracts because they don't have the means to service them adequately. Others in the trade organization can point you to the right people for finding this work.

Talk, Talk, Talk

Whenever you go out to a restaurant, retail outlet, office building, or entertainment venue, mention the windows to the employees you deal with and casually hand out a business card or two. Statistics indicate that the response rate for any type of marketing lies between two and five percent. That means you have to get out a lot of marketing materials just to get a handful of responses. The more literature and business cards you can drop, the greater your chances of landing those big commercial window cleaning contracts you're looking for.

When you're with friends, don't spend the entire time talking about your business, but make it part of your conversation as you update them on your life. These subtle but constant reminders will keep your window cleaning business in the back of their minds until their employer mentions dirty windows. When that day comes your friend will be more than happy to give you a plug if he remembers you clean windows.

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