Current Projects
Christine Hiilditch

During Lockdown in Scotland in March 2020, I decided on an alternative way to let my then 4 year old daughter express herself using art and our big black garage door. As we live on a main road we would notice the same people walking past our house whilst out doing their daily exercise. Due to the ‘stay at home’ restrictions in place because of Covid-19, we decided to do large scale chalk drawings on our garage door for the public to view as they walked past. The drawings were changed every so often, either due to being washed off by the rain or by us when we fancied a change. The drawings soon got noticed by the community with us being stopped by locals telling us how much they have “brightened up their days during these dark times”. Over a year later and we had articles written about our garage in local and national newspaper as well as online articles in USA, Canada and New Zealand. Now two years later and the garage art continues, this time with myself, my 6 year old and my 2 year old involved.