The Girl in the Green Sweater: Adult Diapers?

Melissa, the girl in the green sweater, has story after story that she could tell you that will embarrass her. Her most recent embarrassing story? Wetting the couch. Yep that is right, the couch was unmistakably moistened during the night while she slept. An accident? Or a lack of potty training? Getting to know other students and some of their embarrassing moments is one of my favorite things to do! Now discover Melissa’s, as she does a deed that everyone hopes to be passed in their life!

You see Melissa was coming up to visit Weber State University and check out what Weber had to really offer. She was looking at the Paramedic program, and had decided she would make the trek up after attending another University to finish her generals. She had asked her sister, who lives in the area if she could spend the night so she wouldn’t have to drive so far after being up at Weber all day.

Of course Melissa loved what she saw, meeting with her advisor in the program to make sure that before she came to Weber she would get what she needed to, done. Also, to make that connection with her advisor so he could continue helping her through the program to make sure that Melissa would make it through in a normal time. Well after being at Weber and getting more familiar with campus through Student Recruitment and Orientation, she decided to head over to her sister’s house.

Melissa had expected to be sleeping on the couch, but she now wishes she would have made that trip home right away to perhaps miss what was about to go down!

Ewwww.... is that pee?

Melissa had fallen asleep, quite a bit earlier than normal due to the nature of travel and what not. Her sister and husband went to bed and Melissa zonked out! It was only a little bit later that Melissa began dreaming wondrous things, some better than others. She remembers having a dream about peeing the bed, but realized very quickly that it wasn’t quite just a dream! It was sort of reality! This time she had peed a couch! Not only just a couch, her sisters couch!

She quickly went to the bathroom to change but she remembered that she left all of her clothes out in the car! So she took a towel and wrapped it around her and made a trek through normally snowy Utah to her car. She then proceeded to throw her now wet clothes in the washer and dryer and went to work on the couch!

She spent forever cleaning the couch, in fact so long that she only got about an hour of sleep! She did the best she could because she didn’t want to have the embarrassment of telling her sister what had happened during the night! She couldn’t quite get it dry, so she put down a towel, and took advantage of the time she had left to go to sleep.

To this day they don’t know about. And they probably won’t until they get rid of that couch. Yup, that is the story of how Melissa, the girl in the green sweater, wet the couch at the age of 19.

Shhhh don’t tell Ethan or Collin! They don’t know this story, and she hopes they never find out!

Pretty epic right? Do you have any embarrassing stories you are willing to share?

5 Responses to The Girl in the Green Sweater: Adult Diapers?

  1. Becky DeLeeuw says:

    Oh man Connor, this is phenomenal! Ha ha! I love it! Oh the memories…

  2. Jenfolio says:

    I have friends that wet themselves (girls ofcourse) because they have laughed so hard…. I guess I have never heard anything THAT funny. But I think Melissa isnt tooo irregular… …yet

  3. OHHH how Melissa is getting there! I can’t wait for you to discover more of her! She is so interesting and can take so many things, and turn them either funny, or into horrible experience!! No one should wet themselves. NO ONE! But I’ll admit, I was a little slow to jump on the leaving diapers stage as a young-in!

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