Spring Break = Donkey Basketball

Nikki and Connor with the Donkey at Donkey Basketball

Nikki and me with the Donkey

I was so glad to finally have a break from school. Through each week I don’t know how I get it all done! Sure I watch a lot of TV and my recent obsession is Jersey Shore, but it is still way nice to finally have a break from everything. On my spring break I got to go home for a couple of days, help babysit my nephew and get some other things I needed to get done, done.

My plan was to get a lot of homework done so I would be way ahead in homework for the rest of the semester because I know it will catch up quick, but in the end I didn’t get a whole lot done because I enjoyed the break too much. Not having anything to do for a week was so wonderful! I had hung out with several friends through the week, but it was the same couple of friends so I was excited when one of my friends Nikki invited me to come with her and her family to Donkey Basketball.

Now I had never heard of Donkey Basketball in my life, so Nikki sent me a picture and it looked too entertaining to pass up! Believe me it was. So we drove about 45 minutes to Bear River High School from Ogden, where the tournament among the student body and faculty of the school was about to go down. I met a lot of Nikki’s family and they are seriously hysterical!! Her sister’s boyfriend is the funniest guy I think I have ever met and he just keeps going!

Afterwards we went to Denny’s with her family and one our mutual friends Jake showed up, he lives in Tremonton and we all had a blast eating food and laughing. So many moments were hysterical but the one that stands out is the fact that the server knew Jake, and she was talking about how she had known Jake for a long time and then she mentioned something about Boy Scout Trips with Jake… and of course I made some comment that pretty much implied that I was shocked. A girl in the Boy Scouts? Who was this server?! She then continued to say her dad was the scout master or whatever. Still a way funny moment.

All in all it was a wonderful night and so much fun. A great way to end Spring Break for sure. I would also like thank the Mobley Family for dinner and my ticket for Donkey Basketball! It was so much fun and I really appreciate it!

Take a look at the video I made about Donkey Basketball. You should enjoy it.

What do you think of all this? Have you heard of this?

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