Growing stages

This is the chronological growth for wolfs and dogs plus my experience with Pandora which is valid for most dogs (depending on the final height):

Pandora when she is grown up:
Female: at least 60 cm tall, 25 kg. in weight, mature as 2 years old, in heat 1 a year.

0-3 days old:
Dominating phase, these days are the most important days in a dogs life. If a puppy doesn’t meet people these three days it’s getting harder to socialize. If you sleep and feed the puppy these first three days it’ll grow up and think it is human. (According to a wolf specialist in Scandinavian Animal Park).

3 days to 3 months old:
Socializing phase. Here the dog learns to be with other animals such as cats, humans and other dogs. In the weeks 10-11 is the weeks where they explore the world. They become more frightened and this is the time to show the puppy safety and security so thy can get costumed to for instance water, gun shots, fireworks and so on.
Test has shown that if a puppy is touched and stimulated on its paws in this period, it might become more intelligent.

2.5 Months Old. Height: 36 cm. Weight: 6.6 kg.

3 MO. H: 38 cm. W: 8.5 kg

3.5 MO. H: 43 cm. W: 11 kg

Can sit and shake paw on command, walks nice in a leach

4 MO. H: 50 cm. W: 15.2 kg

Beginning to loose teeth

4.5 MO. H: 52 cm. Wt: 19 kg

5 MO. H: 56 cm. W: 19.5 kg

All teeth changed

5.5 MO. H: 58 cm. W: 21 kg

Is beginning to come when called, still not stable.
Still not totally toilet trained.

3. November: Pandoras birthday – 6 months old.
H: 59 cm. W: 23,5 kg.
Not growing so fast anymore.

6-9 months:
The puppy begins to explore the world as the wolf would do preparing itself to learn how to fight and know what is dangerous and not. The puppy is becoming more curious but also more fearful. This is the first attempt to break the bonds to the parents.

Pandora is getting more fearful. Weird sounds, things she has not seen before like a mysterious shaped stone or a plastic bag can scare her. If I correct her, she is also reacting a little stronger than before. Tail between the legs, ducking the head, running away. I need to be well-considered when I correct her. And very careful not to frighten her as we  practise stuff.

9. nov 2009: 60 cm, 24 kg. She has reached her minimum height.
Is now able to understand at least 10 different commands.

8 month old
4. january 2010: 63 cm, 29 kg. Over minimum height and adding weight more than height.

This is the last month to try new socialising things, like train rides, bus rides and so on!

Pandora by train

Pandora by train, 8 month old

10-14 months:
You now meet the teenager. Young, fresh, strong. Lots of energy, mood swings, stuff like that.
Heat might be around the corner for the female dog.

Pandora: 10 months, 63 cm. 30,2 kg.
Her fear from earlier is gone. She now no longer shows any fear of anything.
(Well that’s not true. These days she is afraid of her harness!)

These days she needs a lot of occupation and entertainment. If we don’t exercise before we go to bed, she’ll wake up in the middle of the night and start playing with her toys.She is 10 month old and sha haven’t yet been in heat.
But she had moody ups and downs 3-4 weeks ago.

15-20 months:
This is the time where the grown up wolf would leave the parents, so this could again be a problematic time for you as a dog owner. The dog will try to ‘stand on its own four feet’ and may react infantile or puppy-like. There is NO such thing in a dog as an aggression phase the way we call it with children. The dog is just trying to learn to survive as an individual.
All the time you should support your dog, showing it that the world is safe, and never punish it for it’s new and strange reactions. This is YOUR duty. This is why YOU got a dog in the first place!

24 months:
Now the dog has reached its sexual maturity.

24 month/2 years – In heat

Pandora came in heat for the first time.
This seamed to mature her somewhat. She is now more selfconfident, calm an’faithful’.

14 responses

23 10 2009
Is there a human inside? « Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

[…] Growing Stages […]

6 04 2010
Jenifer Chaudet

what a great site and informative posts, I will bookmark your site. Keep up the good work!

existing franchises for sale

6 04 2010

Thanx Jenifer.
Glad you like it 😉

26 04 2010
Shantae Kroeger

Your site was extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for more info on this just a few days ago.

27 04 2010

That makes me very happy, Shantae. Thank you, so much.

5 06 2010
Chayla Soden

I was on a dog sim game called Furry-Paws, searching for a good breed. I tried herding first, and just to silly, started from the bottom. I came upon this dog, and if the long Czechoslovakian didnt interest me already, “wolfdog” did. I went on google and I fell in love with the first picture I saw.
I came upon your website, and I’ve read and have seen everything.
Let me tell you! LOVE what you’ve done! I will keep this all in mind for my future wolfdog 🙂
Oh, before I forget 🙂 What do you mean by 0-3 days old: ” If you sleep and feed the puppy these first three days it’ll grow up and think it is human.”?

9 06 2010

Hi Chayla
Thank you for your kind comments.
Glad to be of some amusement and help, with any dog one may choose.
According to: 0-3 days old: ” If you sleep and feed the puppy these first three days it’ll grow up and think it is human.”
A guy (ethologist) who’s working with the wolves at the Scandinavian Animal Park, told about this very important first three days, that will have severe impact on an animals reflection of it self. Of course the animal will not think it’s human in every way, but it may have problems with its own identity like wild animals that are treated with care and needs help to get back into nature.
It is a BAD thing to take the animal away from its mother these first three days.
Hope that answered your question?

Hope to see you again at this site.

Best regards, Kim and Pandora

27 12 2010
lisa wright

hi there thankyou so much for this site we have a czech wolf dog crossed with innuit -a challenge but you made me lagh cry and not give up with her as i now can relate to someone else going thru much of it – keep writing – when does she stop eating things , how did you get the recall

24 01 2011

Hi Lisa
Sorry I answer so late.

Oh yeah, these dogs can make you laugh and cry. But mostly I laugh and feel indescribable love for her.
I don’t know how old you dog is, but I can feel the changes in Pandora theses days. She is now 20 month old.
Lately, when she’s been alone, she hasn’t been chewing in anything apart from a little package we make for her every morning.
It’s a used box from food or something like that, made of cardboard.
We put goodies in the box, like chewing bones or dried goodies and the we seal the box with duct tape and leave the package on the floor. When we come home it’s torn apart. But for a long time she hasn’t torn anything else to pieces. And, as it came to me a few days ago, she no longer tries to bite my fingers or clothes. It has stopped quite sudden, but I also think it can return once in a while.

The recall or call back, I have consequently trained for the last 4-5 months. I never leave the house without the GOOD goodies. When she is let loose, every time I call her and she accidentally comes to me, I give her a treat. You can also do that if the dog is in a long leash.
Pandora becomes better and better at coming back, but nature makes her reactions slow, and other dogs makes her reaction none existent.
BUT if she is tired, like if she has played an hour or so, with other dogs, I can call her in. Then she is filled with impressions and she becomes much more ‘workable’.
It should make you think, right?
If your dog is a little tired, it works better. I know that the Inuit dog is also a difficult one to train, but don’t give up. Patience, patience and more patience is the way to go. The heck with that our dogs are obedient later than the Labrador, we have the most intelligent dogs, and in a year or so, I bet I’ll have the most of fun, compared to the easy dogs 🙂

Hope this answers your questions.
Best regards, from Kim and Pandora.

20 03 2011
Willem van Leersum

I find your stories very funny and goodwritten! Your Pandora is a lovely dog. We have a tjech, here above a link to some films on you tube. Your experience is almost the same as ours with her (Chicha). We live in Holland, next week we go to Austria with our 4 dogs, they (and we) will have the time of our lives,



13 04 2011

Hello Willem
I’ll put the link to YouTube on my blog.
I hope you have/had fun on your holiday.
A curious question: How do you live in Austria? Hotel or?
It not that easy to find good places to stay with a dog, but Holland is very open to dog people, which we have enjoyed a lot and will again.
Actually I’m ‘semi’ in love with Holland 🙂

Let me hear from you,

Best regards, From Kim

13 04 2011
Willem van Leersum

Hello Kim,
We always try to find a free standing house, usually with France Individuele ( or with a site named, dogs included. Not always easy, with more than two dogs, normally the organisation will ask the owner if it’s ok. (for a littke more money) This summer we go to Asturias (Spain), the owner of the house is English and the english are also very nice to families with dogs! Thank you for putting the link and have a lovely time with your dogs,
Best regards, Willem

10 11 2011

Hey, it’s me again! May I ask which breed is generally bigger: a CsW or a Saarloos wolfhound?

9 08 2012
P.S Hundar

Hi, thanks for very good information!

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