Be the change you want to see in yourself

Inspirational thoughts, ideas, quotes, and articles.

Eat Healthy And Lose Weight — With The All-You-Can-Eat Diet Plan

Posted by Catherine Morgan on February 15, 2007

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THE-ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT DIET PLAN — by Catherine Morgan

You heard right. All you can eat. And it’s not a gimmick. How can that be? All you can eat diet? No diet is all you can eat? Well you are right, and wrong. No starvation or quick fix theme diet, is ever going to be an all you can eat diet. And we all know there is no pill or powder that allows you to eat anything you want and still lose weight. So, what exactly is an ALL YOU CAN EAT DIET?

Most diets have you starving, or at least hungry most of the time. If you do happen to lose weight on one of these “fad” diets, you just end up gaining it all back and then some. Worst yet, many of us go on these diets because we know it would be better for our overall health if we lost some of our excess weight. We might want to lower our blood pressure, control sleep apnea, prevent diabetes, just to name a few. But, what we end up doing by following “fad” or starvation type diets, is put ourselves at greater risk for health problems.

So, why do we do it? Why do we spend millions on books, pills, and powders that are generally 100% proven to be ineffective. Well, I don’t know the answer to that. But, it might have something to do with the fact that, “keeping” you at an ideal weight can’t be the goal of these multi-million dollar companies, or there just would be no more money to made.

Not only is this an ALL YOU CAN EAT DIET. But, it is also not going to cost you one penny to get the secrets. Because, I’m going to just tell you. The truth is, you already know it. It’s just that we have been programed to think that dieting is some kind of big deal, and if we don’t do it just right we will fail. Well, that is just wrong.

The one way you will lose weight, without risking your health and in fact becoming a more healthy person. The one way, is to eat healthy foods. That’s it. Two simple words; HEALTHY FOODS. What ones? Any and all of them. What is healthy? Basically, anything that isn’t full of sugar, fat, and sodium. Fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, milk, cheese, nuts. The list goes on and on. By now we all know the difference between the healthy foods and the not healthy foods. There is no trick, no gimmick. Just stop eating the processed foods that are full of sugar, fat, and sodium; and start eating healthy foods that aren’t.

Throw away the unhealthy foods and the unhealthy diets, and say hello to healthy foods and healthy living. No need to limit yourself. It will take a bit longer, than starvation, but results will last much longer. Once you start eating healthy foods, you won’t have cravings for sugar and salt, you won’t need to binge eat, and most of all you won’t be hungry all the time. You will be on your way to a leaner, healthier you.

No need to make it complicated, just go shopping and get all the healthy foods you want, and start eating them. You can even use the Internet to look up healthy new recipes for the foods you like. Best of all; it’s ALL YOU CAN EAT, ALL THE TIME.


You may find this post on Six Tips To Help You Get Started on a Healthy Diet helpful, and check out Can what we eat make us happy?









35 Responses to “Eat Healthy And Lose Weight — With The All-You-Can-Eat Diet Plan”

  1. aremus said

    I heard a statistic today that, when doing the same exercise, those who thought they were getting a good work out got far more health benefits than those who didn’t. Amazing. Maybe we should all go on psychosomatic ‘I think this food is healthy’ diets.


  2. Interesting.

  3. Hi. I like your blog. I think this post makes a lot of sense, and I am actually trying to do just this and blogging about it for accountability. I think for people who are overweight, thought, it is not so simple. Many times people who are overweight have other issues that cause them to eat compulsively, i.e. emotional eating. I find that thinking about and planning what I am going to eat the day before helps. I am also hoping that keeping a blog that tracks my progress will help keep me more accountable. So far, it has helped keep me from overeating, but I am only on Day 5… I have tried all of the crazy diets and while they will help you take off a few pounds fast they don’t work in the long-term.

  4. Hi “Ladyonamission”

    I agree with you 100%. As someone who has and continues to struggle with my own weight, I know there is no “simple” answer. But like you said, the crazy fad diets may work for a quick fix, but will always come back to bite you in the butt.

    The only way to lose weight and keep it off, is to take time and work hard to “re-program” ourselves to choose healthy foods. Instead of make poor food choices most of the time and healthy ones some of the time, we need to start making healthy choices most of the time, and poor ones only some of the time. But, being too strict with this can also backfire….we don’t want to be so strict that we set ourselves up for failure.

    I wish you all the luck in the world with your diet. I would just suggest two things. One, that you set many small goals for yourself, rather than one big one. Instead of saying….I’m going to lose 50 pounds by Christmas, try saying….I’m going to try to lose 5 pounds in the next six weeks. Two, don’t consider yourself a failure when you have trouble sticking to your diet. Instead, think of how a little baby tries to walk for the first time, when he falls his parents don’t get mad, they just encourage him to keep getting back up and to keep trying. Treat yourself with the same compassion, and if you binge eat a gallon of ice-cream, don’t give-up on your diet and consider yourself a failure, just remember you are in a learning process that takes time, and get back to your diet at the earlies time possible.

    Thanks for your comment, and I hope you will keep me posted on how you are doing.

    You may also want to check out my other post on the subject of healthy eating…

    Can what we eat make us happy?



    These are just ideas, like everything else, you have to do what works best for you. Good Luck, and be well.

  5. Justin V said

    I agree about setting small goals.. Take it from someone who has lost 140 lbs.. Slow an steady wins the race.. Fad diets are only good for short term results.. You’ve got to eat healthly and workout..

  6. Wow Justin………Good for you!!!! Thanks for your comment.

  7. I agree fad diets don’t work, but all you can eat doesn’t work for every one either – even when it’s healthy food. Everyone’s body and metabolism responds differently – it is important to know your body, how many calories it needs then choose healthy foods within that limit, plus add lots of water and regular exercise. Starving won’t work either so finding healthy options that are filling, low fat, and low in calories are wiser choices. Lady Rose

  8. “Two Witches” — Hi, thanks for the comment. I agree, especially about the water…that is so important….I should probably add that to the post. As for the “all you can eat” aspect….I figure the hardest part about a diet is feeling hungry all the time, and generally people don’t “binge” eat carrots or other healthy foods. But you are right, everyone is different so the amount of what they eat may need to be adjusted if they find they are not losing…..I think the key is to lose slowly, and with healthy foods, in order to keep it off.

    Thank you so much for the comment. Have a great day.

  9. I’m a vegetarian who eats whatever she wants. Mostly, though, I don’t like processed food (never acquired the taste) and I don’t eat meat or fast food, so I indulge in chocolate and wine. Both of those are compensated for by the lack of any meat.

    If I may add my advice: re-train your palate to enjoy healthy foods. Weight loss is a lifetime endeavour; dieting, being temporary, never works. You can train your tastebuds to not like heavy, fatty foods and to crave vegetarian and raw foods.

  10. “Theobromophile” — Thanks for your comments and insight.

  11. […] You are what you eat, and it is never too late to start eating healthy. Every day, try your very best to put healthy foods and plenty of water into your body. When you have a choice between something healthy and something […]

  12. […] You are what you eat, and it is never too late to start eating healthy. Every day, try your very best to put healthy foods and plenty of water into your body. When you have a choice between something healthy and something […]

  13. Hi Catherine, I’m suffering the opposite thing instead. No matter what I eat, no matter how much I eat, I don’t gain weight. I’m too slim! Well people usually consider that a good thing but I’d rather gain some few pounds more!

  14. I have a friend like Robinson Go. My friend had 4 PB & J sandwiches each day for lunch in highschool and also struggled to gain weight. She still eats well and has felt better since she reduced her preoccupation with saying, “this isn’t enough.”

    My own philosophy is to think I accept myself as I am. I affirm that I am healthy and make what I feel are smart food choices. I avoid using words like “diet”, “too fat”, “too slim”, and become more aware of words I use to reinforce desirable or undesirable mindsets. We can be reminded that we evolve into our own view of ourselves. I think many people would be happier, reduce a lot of stress, save loads of money on books and programs, if they consciously decided evolve into the bodies that they are meant to have. Meditation and other spiritual pursuits are very powerful. We may underestimate the power within ourselves to heal and change.

  15. It’s true that there are “dead foods.” They are the one’s you identify containing refined grains, sugar… However, it is possible for emotional eaters to gain weight on strictly a healthy regime. Even our thinking can cause one to focus on food and gain weight. Free article–Lose Weight with Smart Thinking at

  16. Mark said

    It’s posts like this that just tell it is I hate the word “diet” it means nothing and and as you say most don’t work anyhow just eat healthily and you will be fine and some exercise.

  17. I always have told others that the times I feel the slimmest and healthiest are when I am eating lots and lots of good food. It’s usually when my schedule becomes so busy and I don’t have the time to eat enough food is when I start putting weight back on. It’s amazing how 1000 calories from crappy food seems to put more weight on then 2000-3000 calories from healthy food.

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