Woman + Runner + Fighter

Follow a cavewoman on her fitness journey.

Wanna get ripped? Eat real food and play

Posted by cavewomanrunner on February 23, 2009

I found a great article today, thanks to Mark’s Daily Apple. It’s title is a bit misleading, for there is tons of other excellent information packed into this one article.

The Biggest Workout Mistakes People Make

It’s really based on the KISS method – do intense, full body workouts (not necessarily in a gym) and realize that 85% of your overall health is your diet.

“Eat whole food proteins, healthy fats, veggies, fruits, nuts….and skip the breads, cereals and other processed foods. You need amino acids, vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients available in plenty with whole foods for maximum fat burning and muscle building. Eat a diet of whole foods, forget the stuff that is destroying your body (esp sugar!)”

Hmm, that sure sounds like the Paleo lifestyle. I think more and more people are catching on to the idea of natural eating – and unlike the Hollywood diets – it’s not just a trendy phase. It makes sense. You’re not taking pills and starving yourself – you’re just not polluting your body with foods that have no nutritional value.

Looking for some workout ideas? Here are some nice ones I am looking at incorporating into my schedule.

Caveman training – provides 3 workout samples to get you strong, fast. For example:

Box Jump (24″ platform) 10
Deadlift (185 pounds) 10
Thruster (40-pound dumbbells) 10
Pull-Up 10
Close-Grip Push-Up 10
Pull-Up 10
Bent-Over Row 10
Upright Row 10
Shoulder Press 10
Renegade Row 10

EDT training– Escalated Density Training by Charles Staley. Again, keep it simple and fast.

Sample Workout #1 – Strength and Hypertrophy:
Do workouts for 20min each (rest between A and B)
– Workout A – Bench Press and Pullups for sets of 4-5 reps max (with 10Rm weight)
– Workout B – Bent Rows (barbell) and Squats for sets of 6-7 rep max (with 12-15 Rm weight)
next workout switch A & B order and rep max

Sample Workout #2 – Strength Based:
Do 5 sets of 5 reps
– Exercise #1: Deadlift
– Exercise #2: Weighted Dips
– Exercise #3: Overhead Press
increase weights for exercise when you can complete all 5 sets of 5 reps.

Sample Workout #3 – Fat Burner:
Do workouts for 15 min each, with resistance based modifications
– Workout A – Pushups (5 reps), Jump Squats (10 reps)
– Workout B – Body Rows (angled pullups-5 reps), DB snatch (10 reps alternating hands each full set)

Tabata training– interval training based on Izumi Tabata’s research.

Sample Workout – do 4 to 7 reps:

Warm up – Jog at 50% max for 5 minutes
Sprint for 20 seconds
10 seconds rest (x6)
After 6th sprint take one minute rest
Sprint for 20 seconds
10 seconds rest (x6)
After 6th sprint take one minute rest
Sprint for 20 seconds
10 seconds rest (x6)
After 6th sprint take one minute rest
Cool down – Jog at 50% max for 5 minutes.

One Response to “Wanna get ripped? Eat real food and play”

  1. […] righttosayno placed an observative post today on Wanna get ripped? Eat real bfood/b and play « Woman + Runner + FighterHere’s a quick excerpt“Eat whole bfood/b proteins, healthy fats, veggies, fruits, nuts….and skip the breads, cereals and other processed foods. You need amino acids, vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients available in plenty with whole foods for maximum b…/b […]

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