Who Said It Isn’t a Job?

The alarm goes off at 5:45 am, at 6 am I get up and get dressed having already set my clothes out the night before so that I can get dressed in the dark.

I stumble into the kitchen and press the button to get my coffee in my cup. On the way back to the bathroom I knock on kids doors to wake them up. I put on my make-up, holler at a kid, do my hair, do my daughter’s hair, make breakfast for the kids that want it, make sure hubby is fed, and pack my lunch.

I kiss 3 kids and hubby good-bye as the high schooler gets in the car at 7:15 am to be dropped off at school on the way to my new job.

 I drop the kid off, drive 15 minutes, find a parking spot, and find a seat in my first meeting of the day. I listen and take notes, ask questions. All the employees are asked to do projects and told what needs to be done.

On to the next meeting.. Grab a protein bar between meetings.. No time for a real lunch. I am thankful for the apple and cheese I packed and ice cold water.

Finish up the meetings for the day and pick up the kids..  Figure out what’s for supper.. get kids fed, bathed, their homework done, a load of laundry washed and dried, kids put to bed.. 

Alarm set to start all over again.

BUT going to college isn’t a full time job…..

About crazyladyx5

I am just a crazy lady with 4 kids and a zoo. Who knows what motherhood and life will bring my way.

Posted on August 23, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Ok am tired…. just reading your routine… Welcome back….

  2. Sounds like a job to me. Hope you enjoy college!

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