A New Vision: Partial Solar Eclipse July 01, 2011

Partial Solar Eclipse


New Moon in Cancer

July 01, 2011

By Maharani Rutan ©

Abstracts from Lee Stillwaters & Leslie Hale

 On July 01, 2011 at approximately 4:38am EST and 1:38 PST we will have a Partial Solar Eclipse of the sun. It will also magnified by a new moon in Cancer at 3:54am EST and 12:54 PST.  This eclipse is transiting at 9 degrees in Cancer at approximately 6 to 7 degrees orb.

Unlike most eclipses this eclipse will shine only in one area of the hemisphere and it won’t be seen by many.  Those that will have an advantage will have to reside or visit the coast of Antarctica where the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean emerge. Additionally the shape of the eclipse will seem as though it looks like the letter “D”

The  July 1st Solar Eclipse at 9 deg 12 min in Cancer contains analogous echoes from the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse which had the same cast of characters (Sun, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto albeit in different signs and different degrees of longitude that made them primary performers: witness July 1st 2011 Solar Eclipse in Cancer in close alignment with Pluto in Capricorn, after a previously less influential square to Saturn at 28 degrees of Virgo now elevated to the status of a primary player one year and 5 days later within 1 degree of an exact square to the July 1st Solar Eclipse opposing Pluto in Capricorn…William Shakespeare himself couldn’t have written a better script for a “Midsummer’s Night Dream” while admitting that summer is still in its infancy, a mere 10 days young as of the July 1st Solar Eclipse. ” Lee Stillwaters

Prior to the eclipse the Cardinal Grand Cross is going to create major changes for Cardinal sign, this major event would have taken place on June 21, 2011.  Some of you may feel as though you have felt these feelings before, may want to introspect to June through August of 2010 when there was also a Cardinal T Square, which can be just as intense.

The closest we can come to feeling this kind of magnitude was on December 31, 2009 when there was a Lunar Eclipse at 10 degrees in Cancer.  Since this is a Partial Solar Eclipse the visibility is not as intense as the one felt on June 01, 2011, July 15, 2011 or December 31, 2009.

“This eclipse represents a pivotal time as it will set off the energies of the Grand Cardinal Square that has been building again over the last several months. A Grand Square is a major astrological configuration involving three planets. Saturn is opposing Uranus at 10 and 4 degrees of Libra and Aries and Pluto creates a 90 degree square to both planets at 6 degrees of Capricorn.  The eclipse at 11 degrees of Cancer will oppose Pluto and square Uranus and Saturn.  Eclipses often work to ‘set off’ configurations like this, unleashing the potential of the Grand Cardinal Square.  It is a complex aspect that will bring events to the forefront involving power struggles among the powers that be (Pluto) involving new and revolutionary sentiments (Uranus) and change in the status quo (Saturn).  Look for major events to occur in the world that could involve unusual and dangerous weather patterns or explosive situations in the hot spots around the globe. It is indicative of upsets, unexpected situations, revolution, friction and ultimately changes in the areas of relationships, business and money, and potentially even earth changes.Leslie Hale

Fortunately, for many cardinal signs (Cancer, Capicorn, Libra and Aries), this is the most incredible sign of relief. However, this is the test of time.  You have now graduated through the most grueling test by the universe, and the key to your success depends upon the steps that you take in your life until the Appulse Lunar Eclipse in Aries on October 18, 2013. By that time Cardinal signs will welcome their new you. 

Solar energy is external, defensive, protecting, and vigorous – and reflected and uttered from within our life force. This eclipse is particularly motivating and purpose oriented – and our values and fortitude can be improved and intensified. We begin to feel this transformation intensely believe our aid in the world, and the full expression of our humanity

This 6-month period is a time to focus on community ties, networking, instructive and nurturing closeness to siblings and friends. This particular Eclipse takes president in a chart person’s chart where Cancer sits.  Cancers are highly emphasized, and we need to guard against out-of-control partiality, illusion and over-sensitivity about our restrictions. Tiny details can over-run long-term goals. However, Cancerians will not be the only ones affected by this eclipse all Cardinal Signs will feel the force (Cancers, Libra, Capricorns and Aries).  At this time it is about great endings and wonderful beginnings.

“At its best the Cancer eclipse conjures images of backyard Bar-b-ques, walks on the beach and family get to-gethers.  At its worst, it is an unbalanced individual coming unglued over some real or imagined issue.  It is a time to get in touch with your emotions, and ask yourself exactly where you are emotionally and if you are being fulfilled. The key to this time is to not get so emotionally wound up in your own or someone else’s emotions you cannot see things with perspective.” Leslie Hale

“The primary theme of the 2011 July 1st Solar Eclipse in Cancer is that of a Cardinal gateway opening to new beginnings even more profound than what many of us might have experienced during a similar Solar Eclipse on June 30th 1992…if you remember Hurricane Andrew in the Southeastern USA by late August 1992,  and Hurricane Iniki on the Island of Kauai forming exactly 9 years to the day before 911, then you might just experience a sense of what it means to be born again by water as the 2011 summer season unfolds…” Lee Stillwaters

Few days prior to the New Moon, known as the DARK MOON, energies are at their lowest ebb, in preparation for the new cycle to begin.  Each New Moon signifies the prospect to kick off a new cycle in your life. Depending on the fundamental quality of the sign in which the New Moon falls in a chart, energies on erratic levels are sensitive, be they blessed, objective, analytical or communicative.  The modality of the sign determines whether the emphasis is on consecutiveness, power or compliance.  I would highly suggest you make an appointment with my recommended Astrologers and discuss how this phase will magnify your new beginnings or endings.

This New Moon in Cancer forces issues of remembrance as satisfaction and safe haven of the world as we know it may be it as war in our minds. Dedication, fortification and safeguards in our food and water systems will be in highlighted in the news. A desire to live a more simple survival and be black and white in financial decisions is seen. Romance makes a spectacular comeback!

If the eclipse is setting off this configuration in your natal chart, and it is touching a personal planet, look for events to unfold at this time in your life that will bring change, unexpected change, and new directions in the areas of business, home and relationships.- Leslie Hale

If you had an in-depth reading on your mate two weeks ago or on your self then this might be a time to have another to see how things are moving ahead good or bad.  Also if you had an in-depth reading on your self in June this will be the last eclipse reading I will be doing until November 2011, when we have another eclipse in Sagittarius.  Therefore it is vitally important for Cardinal signs to be fixated on the 6 months reading and remember it is a climax of your life or some may call it the bar exam of the law which has been created just for you.

The moon in Cancer brings support, emotions, compassion, feelings and overemotional issues in our lives. The Watery Cancer Moon brings up memories of childhood, warm motherly arms and tender touches for loved ones. Our hearts swirl in a sea of ancient imagery…. watch out for crabbiness! There may be times the energy will be overly vulnerable psychologically, and a need to hide in your shell may become preference. Cancers are often strong protector of family unit and gathering. Although there may be times of moodiness, people will come to you eagerly for nurturing and care. There is a greater need to look at a intelligent and older person for shelter and support. Care needs to be taken to avoid hurting the feelings of others as well as having your own feelings hurt.  

The New Moon signals a time of manifestation. There is an impulse to take action and begin something new, be it a small change in the way you approach your daily routine or a whole new path on your journey through life. The energy is right for making impulsive moves and following your instincts. This is the time to act from your heart and trust. Live in the moment, dance to your own drummer.

The New Moon blesses new beginnings, and invites you to take a chance! The New Moon is an asking (invocative) time, and a time to formulate what our needs are according to the prospects available (through Cancer this month). This is the time to Harvest, Pray and be Thankful, and to work on fruitfulness and success.     There will be a reason to strive to accomplish and fulfill personal plans and ideals.

Since the Moon rules Cancer, lunar influences are strongest and most effortlessly articulated when focused through this sign.  The moon greatly influences behaviors, the subconscious, and the emotions and molds instinctual behavior.  When the Moon is in Cancer, it is a time of tense emotions and great understanding with people respond to life through emotions rather than reason.

Generally, people will be unreceptive, easy-going, maudlin, affectionate and nurturing.  Unfortunately, this motherly expression of caring is often expressed with food and it is easy to overeat. Cancer is a nurturing sign and the most fertile signs of the zodiac.  With the moon in Cancer, it is a good time for creating life and for growth.

You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired result is depended upon the quality of intention, and when it comes to finding a satisfying relationships and success, it is of the greatest importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many but it is a powerful source of energy the mantra for solar eclipse is:

Cancerian moon is:

“Om Chandraya Namah”

(Om chahn drah yah nahm – ah- ha)

Om, and salutation ot Chandra president

spirit of the moon.


 For the Solar Eclipse

“Om Sureya Namaha

(Om Sur-eya Na ma ha )

 Prior to the Solar Eclipse I would also suggest that you take a spiritual bath.  Additionally, I recommend that you speak to an Astrologer prior talking to me since the Astrologers guides in the determined pathway and I guide you in finding preventive measures.  My recommended astrologers can be found here.

Remember that NO speaker should tell you what to do, rather, give you the tools to make a free will choice.

This solar eclipse I will be doing 6 months forecast reading on the changes and implication of the situations of your life. Again please check my schedule before making an appointment or call back it will save you some frustrations and delays. If you are already on my existing database you should receive a newsletter on or before the 26th to book a reduced rate reading.

The offer of a reduce rate will continue the whole month of July therefore, please send me an email to see what is the best time for your reading.

Wishing you a wonderful eclipse and may Goddess Luxmi shine upon your soul and spirit.



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