Fast Facts 1 – Of Doctors and Nurses

56,000 – number of doctors in the Philippines

9,000- number of Filipino doctors that retrained to become nurses abroad

5,000- number of doctors-turned-nurses that have already left for abroad

1,800 – number of physicians who pledged to remain in the Philippines for the next 3 years

2,200 – number of doctors that refused to sign the pledge

25% – percentage of overseas nurses provided by the Philippines worldwide

US$150-250 – average pay of nurses in the Philippines

US$300-800 – average monthly inc0me of doctors in the Philippines

(Data gathered 2007.Β  citations lost but can still be researched)

5 Responses to Fast Facts 1 – Of Doctors and Nurses

  1. Meagan says:

    I would really like to know facts about what doctors do…not how many there are in the philipines!!!

  2. diego rojo banaag says:

    well, you are on the wrong site! this is my blog and I am not writing for you!

  3. rubs says:

    hey please don’t delete that…thanks for the info it helped me with our research

  4. hahaha. you are right! thank you for the info! πŸ™‚

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