Raw 12/20/10 Review


Here is what went down this past Monday on Raw:

Show opens up with Miz coming down to the ring dressed up in a suit. He starts off by telling everyone that they will need to get used to hearing the Miz still being the champion for a very long time. He says that the fans know that they were hoping for Randy Orton to have won their Tables match, but that didn’t happen. Alex riley then comes out in a Christmas past outfit and trys to put on a WWE rendition of A Christmas Carol. He says that Miz’s first title defense was a disgrace and shows what happened three weeks ago. The clip ends, and Miz says he doesn’t regret what he did to the King. Next comes out Micheal Cole as the ghost of Christmas Present. Micheal says that the actions that took place were unacceptable and that you should be accounted for. Miz interrupts saying that what he’s done is nothing more then one thing, awesome. Next comes the ghost of Christmas in the form of the Angry Miz Girl. She says that Miz will lose his title against John Morrison. Miz then says that he will keep proving time and time again as to why is the most talked about wrestler in this company. Morrison comes out to interrupt the presentation set by the Miz. He says that the show Miz just put on was stupid. He then says he is glad that they both won their matches last night and that sometime soon, they both will have a WWE title match and that he’ll become the new champion. Miz then says that he knows that he is better then Morrison. Alex then says something and Morrison attacks both Miz and Alex Riley. Then Sheamus comes in and attacks Morrison. The Raw GM makes an announcement saying that Miz will have to face all his past, present, and future opponents in a six man tag team match.

Match #1: Malena VS Alisha Fox VS Eve Torres
Winner: Malena
Rating: Decent

Match #2: Daniel Bryan VS William Regal
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Rating: Good

Match #3: Santino & Tamina VS Ted DiBiase & Maryese
Winners: Santino & Tamina by pin
Rating: Decent

Match #4: Dolph Ziggler VS John Cena
Winner: John Cena
Rating: Decent/Good

Match #5: Alex Riley & Miz & Sheamus VS Jerry Lawler & Randy Orton & John Morrison
Winners: Jerry Lawler & Randy Orton & John Morrison
Rating: Decent

Final thoughts: I don’t know what it was about tonight’s opening that made me love Christmas more then I usually do, but it was a good laugh. It’s also good to see Miz in good spirits about his victories as of late, and hope that he goes further into his career to becoming one of the all time greats in this business.

Well, seems like Malena is now back to being heel again. Kind of liked her better as heel so I’m glad she’s back to her old self. So hopefully this coming Royal Rumble that the Diva’s title match will be better then these previous snore fest of previous ppvs matches.

All things must come to an end, and it seems that way for CM Punk as an announcer. Just when WWE does something good, they have to take it away from us. Oh well, at least we’ll start seeing a Cena/Punk feud for future matches to come. Either way, can’t wait to see how that goes.