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Pain don’t hurt, but this Swayze tattoo does

See that picture up there? You can probably tell me what it depicts, right? If you said that it’s a tattoo of Patrick Swayze, you’d be right. And if you said that a tattoo of Patrick Swayze sounds both horrifying and completely amazing, you’d also be right. I mean, just look at it. However, though it may go unnoticed in this particular image, there is… something more to this tattoo. Much, much more.

Is it the criss-crossing rainbows behind Patrick? The mystical purple sky? His Chippendales outfit? Not quite. You may have noticed what appears to be a black tail of some kind, in the right-hand corner. Could he be riding a mighty stallion, or a pretty pony? Oh, you’re not far off. And yet, you’re so very far off.

The full picture is after the jump, and I’ll remind you that it cannot be unseen. Thank you, Patrick Keller and EW.com, for the nightmare fuel.

3 Responses

  1. Hahahaha!!!! Who comes up with this stuff? If I owned a tattoo parlor and someone came in describing this, I would refuse to do it, citing that’s it’s for their own good. That tattoo will still be there when that person’s 80 for crying out loud! How are they going to explain a centaur-Patrick Swayze rainbow tattoo to their grandchildren?

  2. If Chris Farley isn’t on the other arm, I’m going to be very disappointed.

  3. I carried a watermelon…

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