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Reschedule Your Asian Sex-Tourism Plans…

May 18, 2009

From the Dept. of Premature-Coitus-Interuptus:

(via Jezebel, The Mail UK)

A sex theme park that featured explicit exhibits and sexual culture is being demolished before it can even open, a government spokesman in southwestern China said.

Exhibits had included giant-sized reproductions of male and female anatomy, dissertations on how the topic of sex is treated in various cultures and what the official China Daily newspaper called ‘sex technique workshops.’

The demolition highlights conflicted views on sex in modern China, where a prudish attitude toward discussion of sexuality is paired with an almost clinical approach to its physical aspects.

From Jezebel:

There also isn’t much awareness of sexual harassment and laws on sexual abuse are weaker in China than in many other parts of the world. Aside from Love Land, the second most widely reported sex-related story out of China last week was about a government official who paid to have sex with a 13-year-old girl, but was let off with a conviction for visiting a prostitute and a fine because he claimed he didn’t know how old the girl was.

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  1. Millie permalink
    May 18, 2009 4:28 PM

    Damn, so close!

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