

Welcome to DragonflyPix.com.

We make and sell photographs of European and Australian dragonflies and damselflies.

Whether you're looking to buy some of our beautiful photographs, or are interested in a specific species, or simply curious to learn a bit more about dragonflies and damselflies in general, you're very welcome to our site and we hope you'll enjoy browsing it. A word of warning: if you were hoping to see Flash intros, animations, pop-ups or any other bells and whistles, or indeed advertising and product endorsements, you will probably be disappointed - there are none. We firmly believe the quality of our site should lie in the quality of our photographs and we hope you agree.

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Our website contains thumbnails and small-sized versions of our photographs. Do feel free to download those small versions (they're 1200 x 800 pixels) but please don't distribute them to any third party, modify them in any way or publish them on any other website (or by any other means) without our prior written permission. The same applies to our text contents: they too are copyright-protected and must not be distributed, published elsewhere, etc. without our prior permission.

Note: Throughout our website, when you click on a thumbnail, the corresponding photograph will be displayed in a new window with, underneath it, 13 pieces of information. For example, underneath the first photograph on the species page for the Azure Bluet (Coenagrion puella), it reads:

1 / 20; PhotoID: Da071 21/06/2016 15:32 Sweden F8 1/160 180mm ISO400 Canon7D2 -Crop -Flash MF


Last updated: 28 March 2024