Crop Circle explanation attempted by M.I.T Research Team

8 05 2008


Various images of crop circles found across the globe. Image taken from Cabiz

Digg!Crop Circles. One of the more interesting and highly controversial evidences for extraterrestrial visits. Could this be the Anunnaki from Planet X? Could this be other life forms from outer space? Could crop circles be signs from more advanced species warning of the impending doomsday approaching in December 2012? or could it just be some bored kids having fun on a Saturday night? All these questions are all valid and are all unanswered. One of the more structured and scientific approaches to answer the question of crop circles was taken by a group of M.I.T (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) researchers with aid from one of the leading crop circle research groups, BLT research Inc.
Crop Circles Crop Circles Crop Circles Crop Circles Crop Circles Crop Circles Crop Circles Crop Circles
According to BLT Research, there are three major abnormalities that are unexplainable in crop circles: the presence of elongated apical plant stem nodes, expulsion cavities in the plant stems, and 10-50 micron-diameter magnetized iron spherules deposited linearly in the crop circle soils. Along with those 3 criterion, the presence of microwave radiation in crop circles was also studied. By a series of replication experiments to fulfill the 4 criterion, the MIT research team hoped to find a “earthly” explanation for the crop circles. Unfortunately or Fortunately, how ever you want to look at it, the research teams were UNABLE to replicate the criterion in the crop circles. That means that they could duplicate the presence of elongated apical plant stem nodes, expulsion cavities in the plant stems, 10-50 micron-diameter magnetized iron spherules deposited linearly in the crop circle soils, or microwave radiation. One method the reasearchers tried, which I believed was an interesting thought was to use a “particle shooter” and microwave radiation generator to blast the crop [circles] in hopes to magnetize iron spheres and cause heat to be generated to cause both elongated apical plant stems nodes and expulsion cavities.
2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles
So does this mean that earthly conditions could NOT have caused the formation of authentic crop circles, enforcing the evidence toward extraterrestrial influences? Are these abnormalities breadcrumbs left by the visitors to give evidence of their existence? In the end, if it is non-earthly condition, crop circles could very well be communication from another civilization. We are approaching the end of our 26,000 year galaxy cycle where the end of the cycle is in 2012, maybe Crop circles are marking the approaching end. End of the cycle or even end of the Earth…
2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop
*side note* This story was aired in 2002 by the Discovery Channel and if anyone saw it, it is not the TRUTH behind the story. Discovery channel chopped up the story and made it about the designs of the crop circles rather than the science behind it. This is one case where Discovery Channel dropped the ball…*side note*

Taken from


M.I.T Research Teams “particle shooter”. Image taken from BLT Research

For years those of us documenting and/or studying the crop circle phenomenon have been reporting the failure of cameras and other electronic equipment in and around crop circles. Based on W.C. Levengood’s published hypothesis that microwave radiation was the causative agency behind some of the plant/soil changes consistently observed in crop circle plants, microwaves have also been suspected as contributing to these reported equipment failures.
2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles
In 2002 an unsuccessful (and as it turns out, an insincere) crop circle experiment was carried out by three M.I.T. undergraduates, who accepted a TV challenge to reproduce three specific plant and soil abnormalities consistently observed in crop circle plants and soils worldwide — abnormalities also presented in three peer-reviewed scientific papers. Although the undergraduates and their two graduate-student “advisors” were unable to reproduce any of the criteria specifically required (elongated apical plant stem nodes, expulsion cavities in the plant stems, and 10-50 micron-diameter magnetized iron spherules deposited linearly in the crop circle soils) they and the TV production crew did–quite accidentally–produce evidence that exposure to microwave radiation does cause electronic equipment failure.
2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles
Since the students were aware of the Levengood hypothesis that microwaves might explain the heating effects documented in the plants and might also be involved in creating the magnetic iron spheres found in crop circle soils, they set about designing both a microwave generator to aim at the plants and a “particle shooter” (see Wilmington News Journal photograph, above)–sort of a reverse vacuum cleaner hooked up to a microwave generator and a propane tank connected to a metal ring, through which tiny iron particles could be propelled through a ring of fire. [The hope, apparently, was that this gizmo would melt the iron filings, thus producing the 10-50 micron diameter iron spheres as the molten iron flew through the air and down to the ground.]


“An aerial view of the finished crop circle reveals its
inspiration: the footprint of Kresge Auditorium.” Image taken from BLT Research

In the actual TV show, aired first on the Discovery Channel on October 10, 2002, a clip is included showing the group testing their “home-made” (MIT-lab made) equipment on a paved area near some of the farm’s out-buildings. Suddenly, there is an equipment malfunction. Not quite as exciting as a wardrobe malfunction, perhapsÉ.but one of the two most interesting moments in the show. The microwave generator sprang a leak and the TV camera, which was shooting from directly behind the generator, immediately cut out. Voila! On-camera evidence that microwaves dispersing in the immediate vicinity of electronic equipment cause malfunction.
2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles
Included in the show later on is a clip showing the TV crew in a small airplane, circling the now-completed crop circle in the field below. As has also been very occasionally reported by authentic crop circle investigators (in particular Busty Taylor, a UK pilot who has been locating and photographing English crop formations for many years) the plane engine suddenly cuts out altogether for a few seconds at no more than 1000 ft. in the air, putting the pilot and TV crew in real danger.
2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles 2012 Crop Circles
As in the other known instances of plane engines failing over crop circles, this plane’s engines quickly recovered with no harm done. Probably just equipment malfunction, once again.

A meeting was arranged between the 3 undergrads and Nancy Talbott, president of the BLT Research Team, Inc. (also based in Cambridge, whose members were authors of the only crop circle research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals) at one of the MIT lecture halls, so that the plant/soil criteria could be precisely explained to the students. Although both Rizzo and Messeri did seem a bit flipant regarding the project, all three of the kids seemed to pay close attention as they were shown actual physical examples of the elongated apical plant stem nodes and the expulsion cavities. Photomicrographs were shown of the 10-50 micron diameter magnetic iron spheres. The theory that heat was involved in all three effects was explained in detail.

One of the students then asked about the importance of the “design” element in crop circles, wanting to know whether the scientific research had examined this parameter — Ms. Talbott was exceedingly clear in pointing out that overall design was in no way associated with the 3 criteria presented, which constituted the challenge, that the overall “design” of a crop circle was not relevant to the experiment

To view the entire article, click HERE

Posted by D.Dig



One response

29 12 2008

I have very interesting over the crop circles I am pediatric surgery and have many known over the mayan and the calendars

i need many information. we are a phenomenon very interestasting and important by the humanity. thanks

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