This question is echoing through the United States today, ten years after terror left physical and psychological impressions in each one of us.

It was the sixth day of my sophomore year of high school. I walked into my first period English class to find the TV on and the towers burning. We sat together that morning, huddled and holding each other. We–my friends and I–had never known fear. It was eerie at lunchtime in the cafeteria; everyone was talking in low whispers if they were talking at all, and everyone was talking about exactly the same thing.

Our teachers didn’t know how to handle the situation any better than we did. Some had their televisions on the whole day, and others decided the best way was to continue with their lessons to restore some sense of normalcy. I’ll always appreciate my choir teacher’s response. Choir was my final class of the day; by the time we entered her room we were all exhausted from the day. Mrs. G handed out a simple, beautiful song: My Lord, What a Morning. Forever afterward I’ll associate this song with 9/11.