Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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It is, cats are pure loner because in nature they meet allerhöhstens time for mating or for turf-disputes to. Nevertheless, more and more veterinarians and cat experts recommend that cats only in a twin or later to create another to get it.

You've probably even just a cat and are thinking about whether a second is a good idea for you. That more factors to consider as time and money is certainly clear to you - so we now want to help you to shed light on these other factors.

Why buy a second cat?

The nasal skin is happier
Contrary to the cat-loner-prejudice are quite capable of cats, close friendships to develop other cats, this is not at all unnatural, finally, are the friendships informal. If a second cat in the home, both cats have always a "contact" and someone to cuddle and play. The fact that the cat is thus increased happiness is actually logical. And just as in humans: Who is happy, is rarely sick.

help against boredom
especially indoor cats that do not have free-wheeling know, at some point every speck of dust in their small area and get bored quickly. Some cats can handle it well and solve the problem, they look out the window and watch. Some cats can not and let their boredom on the furniture or eating their thick, because otherwise nothing is going on. A second cat brings variety into the house and stops the boredom.

occupational therapy
Some (especially young) cats are just wild. All day they want to be busy and can not run around enough. Often it is the short time in which the reference person leaves the house, a pain - but there is no one who runs the Tiger. A second cat can bring a welcome playmate, so that even affectionate cats "stuck" not every minute of their owners.

is no longer working?
know from personal experience We: No! It is indeed at most one minute per day more work. The two are in most cases at the same time with the same feed and fed the cat or the cat box must also be made at least once a day clean. Whether the above one or two piles contain is negligible.

What could argue against a second cat:

Increased veterinary costs
Apart from occasionally occurring injuries and illnesses, both Tigers are regularly vaccinated and dewormed. This of course cost twice as high. For normally-income people, however, should (in our experience fall), these standard procedures hardly expensive. However, if one is short of money anyway, it is perhaps not advisable if one procures a second tiger, then you can not make medical care.

antipathy and jealousy
It happens, of course, that some cats simply do not fit together. In the case a "truce" the higher of the feelings and small "wars" are no exceptions. Such cases, in which two cats just tolerate each other do not have, can go drastically - usually by one of the two is given away.
too jealous cats can make it difficult to buy a second cat very much. In the case a jealous cat, she has not even against the newcomer, but that you spend time with another cat. In many cases, such a jealousy problem through patience and righteous behavior to be solved.

note What you need:

Is your home large enough?
Generally cats do not need extra space, which does not change if a second comes to it. The most important is not the square footage of your home, but the opportunities that you offer your cat to retreat. In a normal two-room apartment with two cats may well happy.

The monthly cost
Two cats eat more than one. For this reason, you have to apply for two cats per month at least 100 € can, so you can also pay resulting veterinary bills, which then, ideally, by paying the money back down. You can pay them more than 100 € for two fur nose, economical holder will, however, fixed costs of 80 € for litter, treats and food.

A second litter, and its own feeding and water bowls are in most cases very good idea, because so each cat has their territory.

one heart and one soul
you want, of course, that your pelts match. The best tip we can give you there, is to bring a cat from the shelter, which has about the same age as your own. The nurses at the shelter often know very well what kind of cat is tolerated, what a peaceful nature has given us so on. Another possibility is that you imagine a very young cat (under 10 months) to get such as this when your cat is under a kind of "Puppy Protection", when the arrive. Thus it is easily accepted and is filed under the old cat.

Before you let a new cat move in with you, it must thoroughly checked by the vet be. Has, for example, Giardia , tapeworms or a contagious disease, do you sometimes close to the river only a fur nose, the doctor has the niht. Therefore: it is better than cure. If you have to take the cat immediately to you, you can keep up to the investigation and the subsequent analysis in a separate room.

By the way your two cats should be spayed / are. Castrated animals are calmer and less likely to fall by district disputes.

The settling time
Have you once a healthy, neutered second cat brought into the house stands for a few weeks once the difficult settling-in period. While This phase begins so many owners to doubt whether it will work ever with the two.

Give both the necessary time to loosen up. Cats creatures of habit, which sometimes need a little longer to accept changes like this (and easy to find) are!

Image: CC 2.0 by chuckoutrearseats and Eleaf


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