The creative process of instructing

I’m working on finishing the  script for a video my boss has asked us to make. It’s a video on the process we went through a couple months ago, when the area leaders met to  define our foundamental missiological principles so that we could align our individual unit plans. Our goal was to have a clear understanding of the mission of God and our part in it, and then work collaboratively so we’d all be headed in the right direction. My boss wants to use this to encourage other organizations we work with to go through the same process for corporate alignment. It’s smart, really. But working on this script is… well… honestly, it’s rather boring. It’s an instructional video, for pete’s sake.

Sung-Wook videoed all three days of our meetings last June and I wrote the preliminary script. Now I’m reviewing all those hours of meetings trying to choose the best clips to include in the final script. There’s a whole different dynamic between participating in meetings and watching them on video. There are loooooong spans of time where we’re just thinking, processing, formulating ideas and discussing options…. all very necessary and valuable to do, but boring to watch.

I’m nearly done. I just needed to take a break before I start babbling. “Tape 92, minutes 03:45 to 04:27. Tape 64, minutes 28:54 to 29:29. Tape 71, minutes…. uh…. minutes….. I don’t knooooow. I’ll have to go watch it again! arrrrggghhh!!!!”

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