dillSoft's Deal-A-Day Sites Tracker


There are many Deal-A-Day websites out there.

Each morning I was opening up to 20 websites to see what the deal was for that day. This was taking up too much time.

So, I set out to find a site that put all of this information in one place. There are several of these out there. None of them were what I was looking for. Some had sites that I was not interested in. Many did not have up to date information.

Sooo, I decided to build one.


This tracker
  • Does not auto update since most Deal-A-Day sites only update once a day
  • Caches the data at 5 minute intervals
  • Auto updates the caches when someone loads it if the cache is older than 5 minutes
  • Allows you to decide which sites you see in your list and what order they are in
  • Puts a message under the counts when new sites have been added and adds them to the bottom of your show list
  • Requires both cookies and javascript to be enabled in your browser
  • Links directly to each site (just click the picture to go make a purchase)
  • The comments/discuss links are direct links to each sites forum
Yes, the site takes some time to load. But, remember that it is grabbing over 85 different sites making sure the data you see is not more than 5 minutes old. The design is to check it a couple times a day instead of loading all 85+ sites separately.

Personally, I let it load in the morning while checking my email and do the same thing in the evening.

Personalizing the Site

There is a link at the top of the page where you can personalize this site to suit your preferences. It will open a pop up window that has a show and hide list. Double click a site to move it between lists. Use the up and down arrow buttons to put the show list in any order you want.

When new sites are added, you will get a message at the top of the screen the next time you visit. New sites will automatically be added to the bottom of your show list. You can then either move them to the hide list or arrange them on the show list to your liking.


Here are some other Deal-A-Day Tracker sites. As always, find what works best for you and use it.

Thank you and enjoy,