The Ecumenical Study Fellowship
faith seeking understanding
Friday to Sunday 3 - 5 September         AWAKE TO GOD: Explorations in the Mystical Way
This is the title of the The Revd Canon Melvyn Matthews latest book. In it he attempts to bring together the different themes of self-emptying and participation which postmodern theologians have brought back into the conversation about God.  Melvyn Matthews, a former director of Ammerdown, has retired as Canon and Chancellor of Wells Cathedral.        (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE OF THIS WEEKEND)
Previous Programmes:

2009  Dr Louise Lawrence:  'The Word in Place': Reading the New Testament in Contemporary Communities
An introduction to Contextual Bible Study, a method which originated in post-apartheid South Africa and has since been used in a variety of situations across the world and among a range of readers, both Christian and non-Christian. It is a method of reading which prioritizes the question 'What does the Bible mean in this context, here and now?' Examples from a range of contexts were shared (eg. rural; coastal; urban re-development areas; artistic and performative groups; Deaf groups etc.) along with tips and resources for planning your own contextual bible studies.

2008  How to read the Bible
The Revd Dr Ernest Lucas, Vice Principal and Tutor in Biblical Studies at Bristol Baptist College, described how modern people can approach the Bible as Window, Picture and Mirror, relating Biblical faith to contemporary issues.  His book Being Transformed was published by Marshall in 1988.  Can we believe Genesis today? published by the InterVarsity Press in 2001.
2007 Bringing Human Rights Home - Martin Pendergast, Chair of Christians for Human Rights  explored the insights and challenges as faith communities work together to plant the seeds of peace that will bear fruit in justice and respect for all people. He suggested that the Human Rights Act is an important opportunity for Christians engaged in the pursuit of social justice and protection of human life and dignity.  
2006 Dr Renato Lings, a Danish member of the Society of Friends.  The study of  controversial texts in the light of  accurate translation of the Hebrew text.
2005 The Revd John Rackley of Bath who explored the Baptist tradition in theology and the history of the Baptist Church.  
2004 Aspects of Forgiveness - Marcus Braybrooke, President of the World Congress of Faiths, Patron of the International Interfaith Centre, Co-founder of the Three Faiths Forum and an International Peace Councillor.
2003  A Time for Peace - Bruce Kent and Valerie Flessati of Pax Christi and the Movement for the Abolition of War.
2002  The Other Jesus - Martin Palmer of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation
2001 The built environment as a theological problem - The Reverend Tim Gorringe, Professor of Theological Studies, Exeter University
2000 My ecumenical story, a personal journey - Anne Doyle, County Ecumenical Officer for Wiltshire and Swindon
1999 Evolution and Religion - Professor William Gosling, University of Bath
Ammerdown Annual Study Weekend
Ammerdown Ecumenical Study Centre, Kilmersdon, Radstock