Do join us in a #chipin to #foodforferals Weds 14 Sept at 8pm BST #wlf

There is a chipin page where you can contribute to #foodforferals

As comrades are aware, @Boudica_cat, @Tarmac_the_cat, and @Lydia_Kitteh were all rescued along with Simba, Spanner and Zoot by @villaninireland. This fine soul feeds a local group of feral cats near their home in Ireland, out of her own pocket. Several members of the #wlf decided to set up this chipin event to help with feeding the ferals, after Tarmac failed to win the recent Summer of the Cat competition. If they had won, she would have used the prize to feed the ferals for a year.

There will be a concerted effort to chipin to help with foodforferals on Wednesday 14 September 2011 from 8.00pm BST (3pm EST) please use #chipin and #foodforferals

@eznore has written a poem entitled ‘hielyng‘ for the occasion.

Many thanks for your attention comrades.

About Eldrid
I help cats remember things.

One Response to Do join us in a #chipin to #foodforferals Weds 14 Sept at 8pm BST #wlf

  1. eznore says:

    awesome I made a poem for the event it’ll be available then but my special piece unfortunately will be a day or 2 later!

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