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SimpleDateFormat pitfalls

Posted by Eyal Schneider on May 29, 2009

The class SimpleDateFormat is a very popular class, allowing flexible formatting and parsing of dates in Java. Formatting consists of transforming a Date into a String in a predefined format, and parsing performs the inverse operation.

In many cases, programmers fail to use SimpleDateFormat correctly, due to inattention to some (well documented) characteristics of this class. Maybe this will not be new for some of the readers, but there are 3 important things to remember when using SimpleDateFormat.

Time zone 

Every instance of SimpleDateFormat has an associated time zone to work with, as a TimeZone instance. Otherwise, a parsing operation would not be able to determine an absolute point in time (Date object), from a given string denoting a date. If not specified otherwise, the time zone associated with a new SimpleDateFormat is the default one, corresponding to the time zone reported by the operating system.

Consider the following code:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
Date date = sdf.parse("18-07-1976");

Since the time zone is not explicitly set (using setTimeZone(..)), the code above will result in different outputs when executed in different parts of the world. The midnight that started July 18, 1976 at Thailand, and the same midnight in Florida, have a different GMT representation. The reason is that the midnight arrived in Thailand first.

In many cases, the local default time zone is exactly what the programmer wants. However, on a client-server application, or on a distributed system, we usually want to avoid this time zone relativity. Date strings that are read from configuration / data files / user interface / external software interfaces must be specific with their time zone. We can achieve this in one of two ways. The first one is to include the timezone itself as a part of the expected date format:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy z");
Date date = sdf.parse("18-07-1976 ICT");

This program will always return the same value (206470800000), regardless of the execution location.

The other approach is to define a convention which needs to be respected by all system entities which generate textual dates. For example, we can decide that all dates should be interpreted as GMT dates. Then, we can bind the corresponding time zone to the SimpleDateFormat. For example:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
Date date = sdf.parse("18-07-1976");

 This program will also return the same value everywhere in the world (206496000000). 


Assume  that we are reading a date in the format dd/MM/yyyy from the GUI. We want to validate that the date is well formatted and legal. Consider the following validation code, which makes use of the ParseException thrown by the parse method:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date d = null;
try {
    d = sdf.parse(dateStr);
} catch (ParseException e) {   
    showErrorMessage("Incorrect date format. "+e.getMessage());

Will it do the job? The answer is – not always. Date strings such as “10//10/2008” will result in an error, but dates such as “40/20/2009” will be parsed successfully, with no error message!. The reason is that by default, SimpleDateFormat is lenient, which means that it is tolerant to some formatting errors. It will try to figure out the date by applying some heuristics to the given text. In the case above, month 20 will be interpreted as December plus 8 months (i.e. August 2010), and day 40 of the month will be interpretted as end of August plus 9 days. The resulting date will be September 9th, 2010.

In order to achieve a stricter validation, we should make the SimpleDateFormat non-lenient, by initializing it as follows:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");

Thread safety 

SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe. Concurrent formatting/parsing operations interfere with each other and result in inconsistent behavior. There are 3 ways to deal with this:

1) Create a SimpleDateFormat instance per usage
This will work fine if the usage is not frequent. Otherwise, the performance penalty may be significant.

2) Synchronization
We can achieve thread safety by synchronizing all usages of the SimpleDateFormat instance with the same lock. For example:

private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
private Date parse(String dateStr) throws ParseException{
        return sdf.parse(dateStr);
private String format(Date date){
        return sdf.format(dateStr);

The disadvantage of this approach is that in case of many threads working with this code, thread contention will affect performance.

3) Use an instance per thread
The usage of ThreadLocal class allows associating a single instance of SimpleDateFormat with each thread that needs to do parsing/formatting of dates.
This way, we achieve both thread safety with no thread contention, and a minimal number of SimpleDateFormat instances.
In some cases, we can be extra economical on memory usage, if we know for example that the threads stop using the SimpleDateFormat at some point of time. In these cases, we could use a soft reference to hold the SimpleDateFormat instance.
An explanation of this technique plus sample code can be found here.


5 Responses to “SimpleDateFormat pitfalls”

  1. […] If you use SimpleDateFormat then you should probably consider some pitfalls. […]

  2. […] This article suggests using an instance of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat per thread by making use of the java.lang.ThreadLoca class. […]

  3. wordpress said


    […]SimpleDateFormat pitfalls « The Java Explorer[…]…

  4. […] is not thread-safe, see this excellent […]

  5. […] This is much better to work with. The code might look similar, but the classes themselves solves lots of internal issues of the old API. […]

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