Send big file using FTP
Free FTP Applications
In order to ease transfers of large files (20MB onwards) to our servers, we would like to recommend the use of free FTP applications such as FileZilla for personal use. With FileZilla, you won't have the hassle of uploading your large files over again when you get disconnected. Just reconnect and resume where you stopped. Easy-Peasy! FileZilla works with broadband and even dial-ups. It features an Explorer-like, customizable interface and supports drag-and-drop functions. Multiple FTP connections can be opened at the same time, and you can copy files from one remote host to another (FXP). It saves time (not to mention lots of frustration) and lets you get on with more pressing matters!
Besides FileZilla, you also can use other FTP software to upload your file, such as :
- FileZilla - Core FTP - CoffeCup FTP
- GoFTP - FreeFTP  
After downloaded, launch the program and follow the simple steps below.
Step 1 : Create a new folder beside your files
Open the software, in the top menu bar, key in the following in the various boxes:
For example (the related info please refer to your email)
i Address Box :
ii Login Box : AC - G10000000 [your member code]
iii Password Box : Global123 [Please use the password you first signed up with]
Step 2 : Connect To The EXCARD GLOBAL Server
Click FTP tab on the top menu and select 'Quickconnect'. A new window will automatically pop up ( showing that you are connecting to the EXCARD GLOBAL server. When you have successfully connected, you will see the 'AC-G10000000' folder on your right.
Step 3 : Upload Your File
Please drag the file from your local site (on your left hand side) into the content list area in the 'AC-G10000000' window. Other that drag method, you can also use cut and paste method to move your file.
Step 4 : Inform Us
Please call +604-4428 650 or email us ( whenever you have completed an upload. Let us know the file name of the uploaded file so we can get to work on your order as soon as possible.
What to do if you get disconnected while uploading?

Firstly, get reconnected. Then search for the same file you were uploading when you were disconnected and drag it into '' window again.
You will see a 'Target file already exists' pop up. If you want to resume where you stopped, click the 'resume'.
If you prefer to replace the file, click the 'overwrite?button instead.
Don't forget to inform us when you抮e all done!
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