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Im actually quite sad to be finishing with this project, I have really enjoyed learning a lot and sharing it with all of you. It has been really nice to ready comments and get another perspective on my research. Thank you everyone who took time to read every blog and especially to you who made comments.

Sooo after these last couple months I have learned a LOT. When I first started this project I had most of the same stereotypes in my head about Wicca as the average person. This research has been the most refreshing research I have done in a long time!

At the beginning of the project I had talked about exploring this religion to see if I feel a true connections. Now that I have learned so much I feel that I have most definatly found a closer connection to the Earth. Many of the Wiccan beliefs are things that I have been passionate about my entire life. Things that seem almost everyday to me. I think this may be one reason why my project seemed to be so easy and natual for me. I felt as if everything I read was already in my head. Alll of this has almost made this all seem unreal though. I have tried to make a significant change in my life so I would feel more Wiccan, but like I said it just felt to natural. I am not trying to make this all seem bad, because it is absolutly good. I have been able to open my mind to new ideas and it has not been chalenging to accept many beliefs, such I feel is often the case in other religions. So after all of this I would have to say that I most defenatly have Wiccan beliefs. I think this is for me and people like myself.

So from here….I fell that the next step for me to take is to do some signficant research on witchcraft. At the current time I am in no way, shape, or ablity ready to attempt magic. Magic is not to be taken lightly, there can be some very bad things happen very rapidly. I am not so much wanting to learn magic, but am for sure interested in it and the beliefs that surround it. I feel that especially in my young Wiccan life I do not even deserve to make such attempts. I have a few books that I plan to read over the summer, and a lot of topics to specifcally check out. And any suggestions PLEASE recommend any text you feel is realivent! Thanks!!!

I hope everyone learned at least one thing new, after all my post, or at least realized Wicca is not at all bad. Its been great guys. HAVE A WONDERFUL SUMMER!

Another common misconception people have about Wiccan is that they are all witches. Reality is that not all are witches, the ones who practice witchcraft are of course witches (if they care to so call themselves) and the ones who do not practice witchcraft are not witches, but still Wiccan. To explain a little about witches in the Wiccan religion, with a strong moral code witches are offered a peaceful universe that allows followers the ability to tap into a supernatural force of power and use it to benefit mankind. Being a nature based religion, these witches believe they can tap into this energy source that is naturally occurring in the world around us, merely they want to channel it in the correct direction.
This peaceful magic they are performing is believe to be White Magic. White Magic is Good Magic—opposed to Black magic which is very negative and can be harmful. Black magic is against every moral of the wiccan religion. Witches have to be very careful when casting spells or tapping into this natural energy, often they become oblivious to the possibility for harmful and negative energies, ones which have the possibility of being very violent and dangerous. Simple protection spells can be placed to ward off harmful or “bad energy”.

Witches are very careful to plan all witchcraft according to the phases of the moon. Is is an important source of natural enerdy that is essential in magic, if performing spells in the correct lunar phase. Casting a spell during the wrong moon phase can produce no result or something much of the wrong or unexpected outcome. This is a very possible way to interact with negative energies. Above is a picture of the different moon phases that occur.
The most commonly followed calendar of the lunar phases it the Old Farmer’s Almanac.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac has a great sight on the internet that I found that is very informative about the exact lunar phase. It is free to access at
I also wanted to talk a little about an experience that I had this past weekend, I attended a festival called “the gatherin’” This is a Celtic festival that is celebrated every year at Cedar Bluff State Lake, near my hometown. It is similar to a Renaissance Festival, but on a much smaller scale. This is an event that I have attended for a few years now, but only this year felt as if I actually belonged there. I was able to meet up and talk with a large group of Wiccans. It was so meat to be able to talk to all of them and not only explain to them what I was doing for this project and why, but also how it has changed my outlook on the world I live in. They gave me a lot of advice and a couple thought it was really cool that I was attempting such a public journey through this experience. I was able to observe and participate with them in some rituals. It was also kind of cool to see my boyfriend (who I made come with me to check it out, and just give it a chance) who was somewhat freaked out at first, but slowly opened up to what was going on. He didn’t get involved at all but he did observe everything that was going on.
Happy Easter to all!  Today I wanted to take a little bit to talk about
the origin of Easter!  Now this is not Wiccan Holiday, but its origins
are Pagan.  I talked about Pagan religions just a little in a blog
introducing the connection with Wicca. So I wanted to shed a littlelight on this pagan holiday, which by many is assumed to be a Christian
Holiday.  The Christian Belief of this holiday is that Easter marks theday that Jesus Christ was resurrected after spending three days dead in
his tomb.  Looking back Pagan is a much older religion and Eastercelebrations were held hundreds of years before the Christian Christ
was born.  This festival was of spring honoring Eostre, the greatmother goddess of Saxon belief, in combination with honoring Ostara
(the Norse equivalent) whose symbols were the hare and the egg.  Asmany have probably already put together, from this we come up with the traditional Easter bunny and Easter egg.  I

would also like to share a couple of other Christian Easter Traditions that are derived from Pagan traditions.  The Sunrise Service is derived from the ancient Pagan practice of welcoming the sun on the morning of the Spring Equinox,thus marking the beginning of Spring Season.  Many also believe Paganreligions in the Mediterranean area had a major seasonal day of religious celebration on the Spring Equinox.  The Phrygian fertility goddess, Cybele, had a fictional consort who was believed to have been born from a Virgin.  He was known as Attis, who was believed to have died and been resurrected each year during the Easter festival.  Attis was a god of ever-reviving vegetation, signaling the start of spring. 

Spring is the time for regrowth or sprouting of new crop, and the balance of day and night time.  SO my thoughts on this all were how perfect is the weather, this rainy weather is  perfect.  We have seen
one of the most important factors to the success in crops, come in thelast few days much more than we have lastly, as we experience this
drought.  Another thing there is unmistakable similarities between this
information and what little I know about Christian Traditions and
So here I am reading all of the previous comments, I’m thinking to myself why are Wicca and other Pagan religions in the minority and looked at to be lesser?  I perceive this to be like a double standard that the religions in the majority use.  In the eyes of a Christian it’s not “okay” to practice these rituals of pagan, but it seems alright they are able to base some of the most significant events that formed the Christian religion on these such events and beliefs.  Also I
type my blogs in word before posting them online and one thing that is
really starting to tic me off is Word keeps correcting me if I spell
christian as such it wants to capitalize my C; although went I type
wiccan or pagan in lowercase it doesn’t even prompt me to make a
correction.  Are things such as this contributing to the oppression of
these minority religions?

The basic Idea of my project is to research earth religions, specifically Wicca. The simple ability to research and explore a new religion is a privilege I enjoy. Never in my life have I really attended a church or studied a religion, and that was a choice my mother and I made, and were able to make. I do not have a state determined religion or am prosecuted for practicing what I want, even if that’s nothing at all. In the United States constitution the first states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Lucky me, huh? This has been an interesting project, and I am not going to be prosecuted at the end!

I believe that Wicca is all about justice, for everything, not only its followers but everyone and everything around us. As a follower I must reconnect with the earth and reintegrate myself into primitive ways only necessary for survival. Or at least look at what that would be like and take a minute to reconnect with everything this world offers us. Be thankful for what we haven’t taken time to notice in life before. Primarily the NATURAL things.

Just as in most other religions there are Wiccan Holidays, celebrated just as any other “traditional holiday” would be celebrated. There are 8 holidays in a year often referred to on the “Wheel of the Year”. There are four major agricultural and pastoral festivals and there are four minor solar festivals of the solstices and equinoxes. Many Wiccans recognized a day to start at sundown of the eve and last until sundown day of. So the four agricultural and pastoral festivals are Samhain, Brigid, Beltane, Lammas. The four solar festivals are Yule, Ostara, Litha, Mabon.

Just to clear up any possible confusion…

Solstice: Either of two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs about June 21, when the sun is in the zenith at the tropic of Cancer; the winter solstice occurs about December 21, when the sun is over the tropic of Capricorn. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the winter solstice is the shortest.

Equinox: Either of the two times during a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and when the length of day and night are approximately equal; the vernal equinox or the autumnal equinox.
Starting at the beginning of the Year…

Samhain: October 31 (November Eve)
Many Wiccan traditions follow ancient Celts beliefs, therefore considering this the eve of the New Year. During this night the barrier between the worlds of life and death are translucent. This is an opportunity for the dead to walk among the living, being welcomed and feasted by their kin. The modern celebration of Halloween is a mock of this holiday. We typically dress up, crossing over into a world of imagination, and often enjoy “trick-er-treating” being welcomed and treated by their community. Samhain is considered to be the third harvest festival celebrated.

Yule: December 21 (Winter Solstice)
This is the longest and darkest night of the year. Obviously the shortest day. This holiday is the night when the great mother gives birth once again, to her son Sun King. This is similar to the Christian Tradition of Christmas. In comparison to the Christian Nativity scene, Wicca followers may set up one of their own presenting Mother Earth, Father Time, and Baby Sun King.

Brigid: January 31 (February Eve)
This is the day in which signals the beginning of spring, the Season of Growth. Time to shake off winter’s sleep, stretch, and get ready for the spring. A common tradition on this day is to make candles and place them in each window of your house, letting them burn down until the morning. (As suggested on the website: For safety sake this may not be a good idea if you have pets or children.) Ideal time to clean the house and bring new energy that comes with the birth of all new things in the Spring. (I cant figure out how the layout got messed up on this one sorry)
Ostara: March 21 (Vernal equinox)
This day in the year the length of night and day are equal. It is time to shed all of winter. This is a time of balance, ideal for magic. Many associations between this holiday and fertility themes. Bunnies and Eggs are a sigh of fertility. Hence the origins of the “Easter Egg.” Spring is the renewal and rebirth of the earth and nature.
Beltane: April 30 (May Eve)
This is the celebration of Love! Also the most important festival of the year. This is one of the only holidays that is usually celebrated in the light of the day. (May 1, May Day) The collecting of spring flowers is one of the popular custom of this day, after collection people exchange flowers.
Litha: June 21 (Summer Solstice)
This day is the longest of the year. This is the point during the year in which Sun King has the greatest power. He has been gaining strength during the shorter nights and longer days. To represent his movement through life, this holiday signifies the half way point. The “Wheel of the Year” represents the constant cycle of rebirth throughout the seasons.
Lammas: July 31 (August Eve)
This festival signifies the end of summer and the movement into the beginning of fall. The day now grows noticeably shorter, in the air there is also a hint of the coming winter. This is a festival of great fun, and connection of community. This is the first of the three Harvest Festival.
Mabon: September 21 (Autumnal Equinox)
People have celebrated the autumn equinox for centuries. At the time when there is an equal amount of light and dark, we harvest our crops and prepare for winter, all the while giving thanks for that which we have. This is the second of the harvest festivals celebrated in the Year.

Over the break i traveled to a “City.” In doing so I realized how much I love the country and open range. Living here in Manhattan I always tend to feel trapped, this town is a big town to me and when I have the opportunity to go home (birth home) I love being able to walk outside in the night look up and see the most beautiful sky you can ever imagine. The break from the start of car engines, music, and horns. So spending time in Omaha, Neb. I noticed a lot of things cities have forgotten about nature. At the same time I

The night is DARK…

We stayed in a hotel in Oldtown, there are a lot of bars and clubs in this area. With Liquor Laws much different in Nebraska nights run much later than in Kansas. Looking out our window at 2:30 the streets were completely lit and you could clearly see all around. Even though the sun was down they were determined to keep going. This sounds naive, but one of the most enjoyable things of the country is pitch black/moon lit nights.

Walking Around feels dirty…

I hate feeling like I am breathing in nothing but toxins, when walking on the sidewalks and getting horrible gas and pollutions wiffs. Its just discusting, city dwellers can not step outside for “a breath of fresh air.”

Noise is Always…

No matter what time it was during the day there was some kind of noise pollution. There was always SOMETHING-none of which were natural.

One thing that I did notice and love was that many people walked, I understand that there is much less parking and it tends to be in permit garages. I saw numerous business men/women walking many blocks to get places. Also how cool is this the cops were on horses. Only something that I had seen in Parades. Maybe that’s just not a thing you see in Kansas? They were even nice enough for us to stop in the middle of the road and take pictures.

Ok so what does this have to do anything with my project?

I have been integrating many practices of appreciation of the earth in my life. One of my connection to Wicca. Lately I have tried at all times to look around in my environment and analyze what going on. Natural and NOT. Evaluate how this makes me feel, and what I can do to change, my habits or how others feel about a specific action.

I love this photo because it is impossible not to appreciate nature, when it has made things this beautiful!
A basic Description/History of Wicca

Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of thinking and life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists.Wicca is an awe or since of appreciation in the things that happen everyday around us in nature. The simple breeze through your hair, or sun on your skin, it makes me think of the day in class when we did a five minute meditation and discussed using our other senses besides our sight. In Wicca you can look around and admire the beauty of Earth and what it has to offer us, oh so naturally. Even the appreciation of the dew on the grass on a cool morning. (Now that is one thing I really miss about not living on a farm, being able to walk bare footed on the dew of the grass.)

To be a Wiccan follower is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things.

Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions originating in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. While most of the information of how the ancestors of Wicca lived, worshiped and believed has been lost due to the efforts of the medieval church to wipe Wiccan existence from history. Followers try to reconstruct those beliefs to the best of their ability with the information that is available. This is the sole purpose why it is so hard to find information on the true definition of what it is to be Wiccan. Much of the time each person or group develops their own specific beliefs and rituals or prayers, because there is no official book to follow.

The understanding humans are in no way a superior life form over the earth, or the other creatures that inhabit it, but we are a small part that combines with all others to make a whole.

“Witchcraft is a spiritual system that fosters the free thought and will of the individual, encourages learning and an understanding of the earth and nature thereby affirming the divinity in all living things. Most importantly however, it teaches responsibility. We accept responsibility for our actions and deeds as clearly a result of the choices we make. We do not blame an exterior entity or being for our shortcomings, weaknesses or mistakes. If we mess up or do something that brings harm to another, we have no one but ourselves to blame and we must face the consequences resulting from those actions. No ifs, ands or buts and no whining…”
I really like this quote because I think that it gives a simplified explanation to what the basic outlines of Wicca is.
Hey everyone, I’m going be changing up the content of my blog a little. I’m going to be focusing on earth-centered religions. These Religions are often called Neo-pagan. The term “Neo-pagan” includes all faith groups which are based on attempts to reconstruct ancient or extinct religions. Specifically I would like to learn about the Wicca Religion. The Wiccan religion differs from many other religions because it has a emphasis on a few beliefs, I believe these will help you to understand the connections between this class and my project…

  • The female is seen as being AT LEAST as important as the masculine.
  • There is a great important placed on preserving the environment that we live in, not only for human but for all life forms that inhabit this environment.
  • The behaviors the believer sees as moral are determined largely by the believer.
    Our attitudes towards human sexualities should be positive because they are a gift of the goddess.
  • The passing of the seasons.

So with that you can see that Wiccans really want to see that men are not seen as a superior over women, but that we play on a level playing field. I don’t know if it’s just by chance or not that that one is first on the list but from what I have read it seems to be VERY important. Next you can see it is important to preserve the environment; that seems pretty simple to me. I think that here I have demonstrated the most basic connections this religion has and the topic matter of our class.
Wicca is the largest of the Neo-Pagan religions. Wiccans have great respect for the Earth and for their Goddess and/or her consort, the horned God. Their main rule of behavior is the Wiccan Rede which forbids them from harming people, including themselves, except in some cases of self-defense.
Like I had said before I never really have been religious. My parents were firm believers in letting us find own calling. This I appreciate because I feel that I have become a much more open minded person. This has also taught me that you must not “judge a book by its cover” you have to look deeper into a person; just because they are a certain religion doesn’t mean they are a good or bad person. There are plenty of people that I know that are not all they say they are.
I would like to make my first attempt to crush a stereotype. Commonly Wiccans are associated with Satanist. Wiccans are not Satanist, the Christian anti-God known as Satan, has absolutely no connection with Wicca Beliefs. Actually Wiccans do not even believe in an all-evil spirit, this evil spirit is mostly found in Christianity and Islam. There are a few similarities that are shared between Satanism and Wiccan; these seem to be the reasons that people think they are interconnected. Both use a 5 pointed star symbol, Wiccans align the side with one point up and two points down (except in some special cases.) Satanists flip it with the double points up and the single point down. Second both religions tend to sit in a circle as they perform rituals. And third, both Wicca and Satanist have members that engage in magic. However unlike Satanist, Wiccans are limited to only using non-manipulative, consensual and positive magic.

I_think there are a couple ironic points in all of this. My first is that of all the religions that use a cross as some kind of representation they are hardly ever negatively associated with each other because of this. Second another reference to Judeo-Christian religions where people sit in rows in a temple or church to perform their rituals, that does not make them interchangeable.

Hey gals and guys! Hope everyone is having a great day! Moving on, to tell you what’s up! My lived experience that I have chosen is a hybrid of the options; my idea is that I will spend the next weeks learning about pagan religions and beliefs.

First I would like to understand the base for the religion. From that point on I plan to focus on a few specific ones and then if I feel truly connected (which I hope of achieving) I will explore the adventure of tapping into my true beliefs.

While I was going up I was exposed to very little religion. My parents both grew up religious, but decided, for the reason that your beliefs should be your own, that their kids should be able to explore and make their own decisions. I have pursued different routes at different times of high school mostly, but never really felt a connection. I really think that spirituality is really about oneself, and no one can really tell you how you should think or what you should think. I think that it is a personal journey that you must want and feel passionate about. You also must be able to open your mind to new ideas and concepts to really understand what you are embarking on. Hopefully I will be able to do everything; I want and reach my goals!
