Eye surgery in Berkshire, serving Windsor, Reading and the Berkshire region
Andrew Pearson MA MRCP FRCOphth
Consultant Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgeon
Eye Surgery in Berkshire
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Diagnosing an eye condition

Using a unique system based upon the symptoms and presentation of an eye problem this section is intended to allow rapid assessment of a new or established ophthalmic condition and lead to a likely diagnosis. Further information is provided for each condition plus an indication of whether a specialist referral is required and, if so, how quickly.

This extensive resource has been compiled with help from Mr Jack Kanski, internationally one of the best known names in ophthalmology. Prior to his retirement Mr Kanski was Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Prince Charles Eye Unit, Windsor. He has been a leader in the field of educational ophthalmic publications and his books have become the standard texts for trainees and practitioners within ophthalmology.

The information presented is for GPs, optometrists and patients. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information presented is accurate but inevitably not all conditions within ophthalmology will be covered nor can a firm diagnosis be made this way. Healthcare professionals must use their own clinical judgement in interpreting this information; patients must recognise that the information presented does not represent medical advice and that specific medical concerns should be discussed with their doctor. No liability can be accepted for any consequences from use of the information presented in this website. 

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Eye Surgery In Berkshire

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