A Few Herbal Birth Control Recipes

Just to start off with!

Please see my intro post on the subject of alternative/herbal birth control methods. This post is a continuation of that one, focusing on some of the herbal birth control & period-inducing recipes I have come across. If you want some lists & links with short discussions of more birth control and abortive herbs, please see the following post.


NEVER EVER USE PENNYROYAL IN ANY OTHER FORM BESIDES TEA MADE FROM STEMS/LEAVES UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE. I’m serious. TEA FROM STEMS/LEAVES ONLY. Some women have mistakenly used oil of pennyroyal and subsequently ended the life of more than just their unwanted fetus==



Emily in the D.I.Y. GUIDE II <a free publication> describes this recipe:

  1. Infuse ½ ounce of motherwort and ½ ounce of pennyroyal in 2-3 cups boiling water;
  2. Steep the mixture by covering it on low heat for 20 minutes, then strain
  3. Infuse 1 ounce of blue cohosh root in 2 cups cold water for 20 minutes (covered), then strain
  4. Mix the 2 teas together
  5. Drink ¼ cup of the mixture hot 4 to 5 times a day OR drink 1 ½ cups a day, a little at a time every hour
  6. Do not drink this tea for more than a week!

*(recipe is paraphrased & edited for continuity. Other recipes specify decoction for the blue cohosh root–see below)

She also suggests the following in addition to her main teas:

  • Taking 2 goldenseal root capsules 3 times a day
  • Chewing fresh
  • Drinking ginger tea constantly



From Rina Nissim’s book, Natural Healing in Gynaecology: A Manual for Women:

“Practically speaking
We always prescribe two associated herbs:

cotton root bark or pennyroyal or mugwort

to be used with

parsley or blue cohosh [root] or black cohosh [root]

Using one teaspoonful of each plant, separately, per cup liquid — in infusion for the leaves (mugwort and pennyroyal), and in decotion for the roots (the others) — drink one cup of each of the 2 herbs three times a day. This means 6 cups to drink each day for a maximum of 6 days. (more information below)
BE CAREFUL: do not overdose. Do not continue treatment more than six days. Do not begin after the 10th overdue day. The better informed women are, the earlier they will begin. It is not necessary to continue taking the herbs once the period has truly begun.”

*(You can find this with a larger excerpt at this site. Just so you know, the teas made from the roots are absolutely revolting….tinctures of these are somewhat less disgusting in my opinion. I normally use Pennyroyal with Blue Cohosh root teas, or Pennyroyal tea with a dose of Blue and/or Black cohosh tinctures added. Once I used Mugwort instead of Pennyroyal—that made sleep very fitful and gave me bizarre dreams. Not too surprising, as it’s a dreamer’s herb. I have experienced slight nausea and light-headedness while taking the teas, common side-effects. When I first started using these teas, my period always started on the 3rd day after beginning the regimen!)


That site adds further:

Group A (choose one):

Cotton Root Bark (Gossypium herbacetum), only the outer layer or bark of the root, cut and broken up like tea.
Boil 1 teaspoon of bark per cup of liquid for 10 minutes. Then drink 3 cups per day for a maximum of 6 days.
Suggested to use only organically-grown cotton root bark, as cotton plants grown for fabric production are heavily sprayed with pesticides.

Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), entire plant is used, broken up like tea.
Tea Infusion of 1 teaspoon of plant per cup of water, 3 cups a day for a maximum of 6 days.
CAUTION: Do Not Use Pennyroyal oil, which is toxic and potentially lethal!

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), entire plant is used, broken up like tea.
Tea infusion of 1 teaspoon of plant per cup of water, 3 cups a day for a maximum of 6 days.
CAUTION: Do Not Overdose – more than 40g per litre can cause hepato-renal disorders and convulsions!
Contra-indications: uterine inflammation, recent pelvic inflamation.

Group B (choose one):

Parsley (Petroselium sativum), use entire plant, broken up like tea. Do Not Use the seeds.
Boil 1 teaspoon per cup liquid for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups per day. Or use 50g per litre, drinking 2-3 cups per day.
CAUTION: Overdoses are toxic. The seeds are even stronger than the entire plant and should not be used.

Black Cohosh (Cimifuga raremosa), root is used, cut and broken up like tea.
Boil 1 teaspoon per cup of water. Take three cups a day for a maximum of 6 days.

Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) root is used, cut and broken up like tea.
Tea infusion of 1 teaspoon per cup of water, 3 cups per day.

In different dosages, many of these same herbs have a history of use for easing painful menstruation, or for stimulating childbirth. Other herbs used as emmenagogues are mentioned, but without dosages or preparation being discussed. Consult the Nissim book for details.

Remember! If you wait until you are pregnant to try and obtain these herbs, it might take you days or weeks to get them, and you will have missed the window of opportunity for their effectiveness. It is suggested to take the initiative before you are pregnant, and have all the ingredients on hand. From the cautionary notes given above, it should also be obvious that taking these herbs will usually produce some discomfort in the form of temporary cramping, and possibly slight nausea or dizziness. One should plan accordingly.”



Susan Weed in her book, Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Years, mentions:

“Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid is the safest and reportedly most effective
emmenagogue that can be used after the menstrual flow has failed to appear.
Women report success even when three weeks “late.” Six grams of vitamin C
(6000 mg) is the daily dosage needed to abort. Take 500 mg every hour for 12
hours a day for up to six days. CAUTION: This dosage may produce loose stools.”

*(I have also read about vitamin C being used during ovulation, please see my next post or Sister Zeus’ Vitamin C page for more info)


These recipes are just a few examples. There are more options out there, but I have found these to use items fairly easy to obtain, especially if you have access to the internet. Many of the herbs and ascorbic acid are available at health food stores as well. The next couple posts will discuss other herbal alternatives for birth control and coaxing that missing period into a visit!

Also remember, that if you use any of these methods, and that period is still in hiding, a certain appointment is rather important to have, because many of these items normally or in these dosages are not very helpful to the develpment of healthy fetuses….

14 Responses to “A Few Herbal Birth Control Recipes”

  1. […] Some easy (but maybe not so tasty) HERBAL BIRTH CONTROL RECIPES […]

    • kimberley Says:

      One of the recipes says to chew fresh _______ . It never put WHAT!! Fresh what please.? also, is there a particular daily regime I can do to prevent pregnancy. Or done of these are good for a daily basis. Like yourself I don’t take ANYTHING the FDA approved so I do not want to take a medicinal birth control.

      • i believe it was “fresh ginger”…i remember having some difficulty with the post editor when making these particular posts which might have resulted in the missing word that i failed to catch.

        i have no idea where the zine is from which i got that particular recipe suggestion or i’d go look.

        also, i must refer you to my disclaimer.

  2. […] 18th, 2007 at 12:58 pm (thoughts) I’ve already discussed a few recipes for ensuring an uninterrupted menstrual cycle. But there are a few more methods available out […]

  3. Mark Burgess Says:

    We are attempting to find a natural contraceptive/sterilizer for our pets, but are afraid to try the native american female remedies for fear of killing them. Is there any information about using herbs in this way(i.e. vidanga, stoneseed root, thistles, etc)?
    thank you

  4. personally, I spay & neuter my animals, except for the chickens. the only one i didn’t neuter was a cat that eventually turned feral and went to live in the woods. and he used to sleep on me every night!

    i only know about the uses of these herbs for human females…you’d have just as much luck searching for info as i would.

    one thing though–timing is crucial for humans….and it’s a lot easier when it’s your own body as you can get to know your cycle pretty well. i would think it rather difficult to be accurate with an animal’s cycle. and herbs that work for people, as you alluded to, don’t always work so nicely with animals and can be harmful. these herbs in high doses or too often can be damaging/deadly to people too!

    i would also suggest ensuring that your animals don’t wander to find other unfixed animals, just in case. and vets can perform surgical abortions if necessary and you don’t have any personal issues with that.

    maybe you know of a good naturally-minded/holistic vet that you could discuss this idea with? that would be a decent place to start, as they hopefully learned about animal reproduction as part of their training. good luck though.

  5. Lisa Wtihrow Says:

    I would like to know where I can find stoneseed root for sterillity, I want to purchase it if I can, I am 43 and I do not want any more children, so if someone could help me with this I would be grateful. and if anyone else knows of anything that will cause menestration to cease or dry it up I would also like to know that too. Thanks Lisa

    • The only place where I see stonesteed root to purchase is here:

      I wonder what the rest of the ingredients are? Are thoes edible? I’mm not sure.


    • Sidhe Draoi Says:


      a friend of mine is looking for the same thing. her and I have been all over the internet (and local stores) looking for Lithospermum Ruderale (Stoneseed Root)
      the only place that I am having any luck is on ebay, but all thats being sold are the seeds and you’ll have to cultivate them yourself. I will keep searching for a powdered form of the root, or even a tincture (if applicable). I hope you find what your looking for!! Blessed Be!


    • Sidhe Draoi Says:

      my E-mail is sidhetrilogy@aol.com if you want perhaps we could help eachother in finding this herb… I know i’d appreciate it 🙂

  6. Natasha Gomez Says:

    I can’t find that Stoneseed ANYWHERE! Ugh.

  7. Just ran across your blog, and I just posted about my personal plan which implements herbal contraception (with amongst other things, Queen Anne’s Lace and Tansy), and hope you and your readers might be interested in a different angle. Thanks for posting these recipes!

    For those of you who cannot find Stoneseed (aka Gromwell or Puccoon), perhaps seeking the Lithospermum genus for the species that grows near you is the answer – and then find a local herbalist who knows when to harvest, which plant part(s), storage – and of course dosages just for you. Funny enough, I discovered the “ruderale” species grows at my mother’s house in the woods!

    I also understand that use of this plant can further mess up one’s thyroid issues if this is a problem. However, I wouldn’t consider doing any herbal birth control if I were on medication of any kind, if for nothing else than the accumulation of man-made chemicals in the body, especially the liver. Look into doing herbal liver detox at least once every Spring if this is something you are considering.


  8. Lace Says:

    I’ve found what they are calling Lithospermum or Zi Cao online for sale… Check out this site for all the names of this particular species… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithospermum Would love to hear if anyone can find this in raw form CHEAP as I am still looking… Aloha 🙂

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