Facebook & Zynga Blog

A No Holds Barred Approach.

MW Live 7 / Rollbacks Coming / Bangkok Ending 411

Yesterday Blue Eyed Nate had his Mafia Wars Live Show and well they did it on the fly as time was limited and they answered a bunch of question the players asked. The one question & answer that got everyone’s attention was the one about the war loot exploit that alot of players got and catapulted most of them over 200,000 on their Attack & Defensive Weapons. Well Nate said on the show to watch for rollbacks to those players. So ROLLBACKS ARE COMING !!!

I can just see the mess this is gonna turn into because you know innocent players will be caught in this rollback. You can see what Nate has to say about it for yourself by going here and watching the recorded Mafia Wars Live Show  http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/16278259 

Now here is is the 411 on the closing of Bangkok & the Mission. 

Betrayal in Bangkok FAQ

Updated 07/27/2011 at 20:15
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Q:  Why are you closing Bangkok?
A:  Change is in the air and there are new and exciting things coming for Mafia Wars.

Q:  What exactly does the closing of Bangkok mean?
A:  After Bangkok closes it will no longer be accessible.  Although you will still be able to see in on the Travel menu, it will be grayed out and travel there will not be permitted.  Aside from travel to the city, this also means that you will not be able to collect form Bangkok properties or access the bank.  In addition you will not be able to vault or re-vault any of the collections after it has closed.

Q:  When will Betrayal in Bangkok mission event begin?
A:  This event is scheduled to be rolled out to our players at 12:00 P.M. (PDT) on 07/27/11.

Q:  How long will I have to complete the mission before Bangkok closes?
A:  You will have a week to finish the mission and to collect as much loot as possible.

Q:  When will Bangkok officially be closed?
A:  Bangkok will be closing on 08/03/11.

Q:  Is the closing of Bangkok going to be permanent?
A:  Bangkok will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

Q:  What does the mission event entail?
A:  You will have one week to complete the mission before the closing of Bangkok occurs.  During the event you will receive 5X mastery for finishing jobs in Bangkok.  In additional to the regular loot drops for the city you will also have the chance to loot a new and rare weapon bonus item.

Q:  What is the bonus item that can be looted with this event?
A:  The additional bonus item called the ‘Iron and Silk’ will drop from Bangkok fights, jobs, and robbing.  It has attack strength of 74 and a defense strength of 73.

Q:  Will there be a mastery item that is awarded if I complete the Global Mission:  Betrayal in Bangkok?
A:  If you complete this mission event you will be rewarded with the ‘Dragontongue’, which has an attack strength of 151, and a defense strength of 60.

Q:  Will I need to collect any special items in order to complete the mission event?
A:  In order to complete the event you will need to collect ‘Forger’s Gloves’, and ‘Pirates’.  The Forger’s Gloves will be used for completing the mission, and the Pirates are available in feeds to help you complete Bangkok.

Q:  How will I be able to collect the Pirates needed to complete the mission?
A:  You can collect the Pirates by posting and clicking feeds about the event.  When a player posts a feed about the event, both the player who posted and the player who clicks the feed will be given the Forger’s Gloves.  You can collect a maximum of 5 each day for clicking a feed, and a maximum of 5 each day for posting a feed.

Q: How are the Forger’s Gloves collected?
A: You can request the Forger’s Gloves from the Free Gifts Page.

Q:  Are there a maximum number of Forger’s Gloves that I can collect each day?
A:  There are not limits to the number of Forger’s Gloves that you can collect each day, however, please note that the maximum number of gifts that a player can receive each day is restricted to 200.

Q:  Will the Forger’s Gloves and Pirates be available for purchase in the Marketplace?
A:  These items will not be available for purchase.

Q:  What will happen to my progress in Bangkok if I do not finish in time?
A:  All progress will be frozen and you will not be able to access the city.

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July 28, 2011 - Posted by | Blogs


  1. […] in Mafia Wars were coming. We told you about how Nate the Community Manager said it on their Mafia Wars Live Show & then the follow up confirmation with the Mafia Wars Blog.  Then last night as we were LIVE […]

    Pingback by Mafia Wars Rolls Back Players & Possible New Zynga & Facebook Scandal « The Facebook & Zynga Blog | August 4, 2011 | Reply

  2. Another dumb city closure. There are new people starting to play everyday and they are losing out on skill points and rewards from the closed cities. How is a level 250 going to be able to do anything in Vegas, Italy and Brazil without the vaults that helps them with stamina, health, and energy? Not to mention the missed skill points they will add to those and attack and defense skills. All they care about is making money by the constant RP pop-up. Also with the Season Icing Event going on it is taking away from people that want to complete every job there is in the game. The amount of stamina needed in those fighting jobs in Vegas and Italy is ridiculous just like the energy needed to do Brazil.

    Comment by Terry Childs | July 31, 2011 | Reply

  3. Really and you know Nate is wrong how ??? Yes Zynga is going public soon and why would it be bad to roll back people who used a script to get the War Loot and are you saying only the CC players did this ? And yes they did rollbaqck people for the Bangkok Bhat glitch. Releasing new stronger loot does not solve the problem what will solve it in the future is better coding on zynga’s part to prevent this from happening again.

    Comment by johnsweeney09 | July 28, 2011 | Reply

  4. Roll Backs are NOT Coming. Blue Eyed Nate spoke without knowing what the heck he is talking about…. Z has filled for the IPO and the company will go public… It would look REALLY Bad to loose THOUSANDS of CC Players over this…. Did they Roll Back all the people when Bangkok started and some people got the Baht glitch and were able to buy all the Faction Store loot they wanted….. NO…. And they won’t Roll Back now…. It would be financial suicide and they can not afford that…. If they want to TRY to make up for it all they have to do is release more fight loot with great stats and the War Loot will be worthless….. I’m tired of hearing everyone crying wolf about Roll Backs……

    Comment by Calley Calzacorta | July 28, 2011 | Reply

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