At the end of your own arm

I usually try to have my photograph represent the quote which is featured, but this time the only real connection is that both are beautiful. This is a Swedish proverb that I found to be so clever and true and the photo is of the gorgeous sunset I had the pleasure of viewing thanks to dust from the Sahara dessert.

I’m still not 100% sure yet and I wanted to wait till I was to tell you, but you’ll find out sooner or later, regardless of which way things go: I’m hopefully going to be packing up all I can fit in the small weight limit of European plane travel and buying a plane ticket to be in England around the 17th of this month to study ecology & wildlife conservation at Bournemouth University.

Like this splendid quote states, “the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm” and that’s where I need to go for help now. All of the other resources I’ve tried have come back with a “no”, so I’m going to have to work my arse (as the British say… I need to get used to it, you know πŸ˜‰ ) off to make this all work.

As of right now, money and time is flooding my mind and these not very nice guys named Stress and Worry are creeping in. So, I’d love to hear some advice from you! How do you manage all there is in your life including work, a social life, and your blog (and school if you’ve got that, too!)? Do tell and enjoy your weekend!


3 September 2011 - 5:26 am

Hi Eva,
I wrote in one of my journals last year (at about this time) The Key to handling challenges is “don’t react – or – label just do the work stay present”. Worry depletes the energy you need to prepare. Continue with your preparations and don’t let the energy be drained away by those visitors.

Some recommend greeting the “visitors”, acknowledging them –as you have named them– and then breathing. Imagine what you need coming to you on the in breath and what you want to dispel leaving you on the out breath.

This is a challenging time of year because we are moving away from the full light and naturally turn more introspective. There was an old festival called Michaelmas that addressed this need for people to focus on courage from within. ONe story is St. Michael helping King George fight the dragon.

I have had several people reminding me of this truth this week since I interviewed for a job this week at a school. I had been anxious that I couldn’t handle it, if it were offered, but my references reminded me of my inner strength and I resolved to make it work.

Turned out I did not get the job, but I was in a new place being reminded of my inner strength.
“A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when memory fails.”

You can meet the challenges and you will.

Blessings & love,

3 September 2011 - 8:26 am

What I wouldn’t do to get the same advice! add a relationship to that list!
What I do is try to focus on what makes me happy and what I want , you’ll see that when you do this things start to balance in the way you need them to even if it means to have less of one of those things , but also always remember to make time for YOURSELF . <3

Brandi {not your average ordinary}
3 September 2011 - 5:15 pm

Eva, if I managed it all, so can you. The key is to allow yourself to mess up now and then. Take time off from the blog when you need to. Make sure you give yourself time to socialize (it’s so healing being with other people, laughing, and having fun). For me, it was all about organization (it still is).
I’m really so excited for you. You’ll be thrilled at time, overwhelmed at others, but this will be such an incredible adventure. (If you ever need help trying to figure out how to handle things or organize, let me know and we can figure out what will help you.)

4 September 2011 - 10:52 am

everything will work out eva, it always does. don’t stress but be EXCITED!

Alexandra (Veggin’ Out in the Kitchen)
4 September 2011 - 3:55 pm

Wow, that sounds like an amazing opportunity! I’m so excited for you! πŸ˜€

Managing life can definitely be hard, but I think one of the really important things is to not get too caught up in stuff that you forget to have fun. Otherwise it gets way to stressful and nothing goes as well under stress. I know you will figure everything out! πŸ™‚

<3 <3

4 September 2011 - 6:16 pm

What an exciting opportunity Eva, yay!! I’m sure everything will fall into place, and don’t ever feel pressured to blog…it should always be a pleasure, a creative release, you know? Well, that’s my opinion anyway…;)

Kayla @ Exquisite Banana
4 September 2011 - 11:35 pm

No freaking way. Eva, Tiho’s brother goes to Bournemouth! He’s finishing up his last year and will probably graduate next May. His name is Milen and if you need anything at all, please please email me and I will put you two in touch. Also, we might be visiting him/London in the spring or early summer. Does this mean I could see you, too??

5 September 2011 - 1:03 am

wow, that’s awesome that you are going to England and the program sounds awesome! As to how to balance life, work, etc… I think it’s a constant work in progress. I have weeks, even months, when I feel things are balanced and I am managing to have fun, work, and be productive and then at other times things shift … so I just remind myself that finding that perfect balance is a process, not a one time thing.

Lydia @ See Beautiful
5 September 2011 - 3:41 pm

Eva, I’m so happy for you. So much of the inspiration you share on your blog will be part of what makes this exciting new venture a wonderful one. You consistently remind your readers to live fully and take advantage of every moment. It’s inspiring to see you doing it. So happy for you.

Colleen / Inspired to Share
7 September 2011 - 5:44 am

Congrats Eva!! Try to take one thing at a time and have confidence that the details will fall into place. Life is an adventure! xo

7 September 2011 - 3:19 pm

things always have a way of working out – so be excited!!! what an amazing opportunity!

Misty :)
9 September 2011 - 4:29 pm

Well….I would attempt to give you some advice but I am one of the last people to give advice about stress and worrying. If I’m not stressing or worrying about something right now, give it another 10 minutes and I probably will be. Take this semester for example. I am going to be working my butt off (or arse πŸ˜‰ lol) to get everything finished on time, keep up my grades, continue to work my 36 hours or so each week, and meeting with my groups every tues/wed/thurs/sun for projects. I don’t know if I will have a social at all now that the semester is finally going now, but we will see.

But the best advice I could possibly give, is to try and stay positive during the whole semester. If you set a schedule to do homework and have deadlines, stick to them and don’t procrastinate! If you wait until the last minute to do everything, you will stress over it all and you won’t be able to do your best work in that situation. As for balancing your work/school/social/blog life, you can do it but it will be difficult. You will 1. have to prioritize and figure out what is the most important and 2. make sure you are not spending more time on one thing than the other if the thing you are spending more time on isn’t necessarily a big priority. Just make sure you manage your time well and you should be good to go! Thats what I usually do when I know I am going to have a busy week anyway πŸ™‚

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