
Highlighting body modification in a positive light.
Send queries or comments to body.mods@yahoo.com.
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fybodymods does not claim ownership to any of these images unless otherwise noted. We will not answer asks about piercings please speak to a professional about any issues.

“ Nostril done by Taryl at the Hole Look in Anchorage, Alaska. Septum done by Erik at Metro Piercing in Olympia, Washington.
Submission by kissesandplumes
If you would like to submit your body modification pictures send them here. When sending a...

Nostril done by Taryl at the Hole Look in Anchorage, Alaska. Septum done by Erik at Metro Piercing in Olympia, Washington.

Submission by kissesandplumes

If you would like to submit your body modification pictures send them here. When sending a submission please link to a tumblr so I can give credit to the image. Please refer to this post before submitting.

tobiasfl-deactivated20110811 asked: re: stretching with spirals You should never wear tapers as jewelry in the first place. Taper, insert jewelry, move on.

xoladysolo asked: Soo, My ears are pierced quite uneven and they wont grow over because I've had them since I was a baby. BUT I really want to stretch them. About 3-4 years ago I stretched them out, not very big only up to about a 0g and took them out because they were noticeably uneven but if I stretch again I would be going into the inches. Do you think its wise to stretch altogether? I kind of looking for advice of opinions. Thanks! :3

Since you stretched them previously and cannot get them to heal completely I suggest you speak to a qualified piercer about scalpelling your ears to correct the placement issue. I stress (and you should stress this when speaking to the piercer) that you are trying to correct the placement of the holes and not stretch your ears through scalpelling. Read this before deciding because scalpelling is a very serious decision. Please think this through because if you scalpel it will lower your chance of your ears shrinking up completely.

Now if you do decide to scalpel do not have more than 2-3mm cut at one time (1mm at a time would be ideal) because the new tissue you cut into will be very stretchy compared to the hole that existed there before and if you cut a lot and then put in heavy jewellery your ears will self stretch and you may not be able to control how much they stretch and quickly they stretch. this is the reason why you should never scalpel to your “goal size”. You might get there quicker but doesn’t mean it’s healthy for your ears. You can always cut more over a period of time but you cannot put it back.

(via d0lly-couture-deactivated201106)

takeoffyourpantsplease asked: Is it safe to stretch your ears with spirals? I usually use pinchers, but I found some really cool spirals, and don't really want to buy pinchers and the spirals. Thanks! (:

spirals aren’t gradual enough to stretch with (i’m assuming you’d wear them for the healing period) plus they can be heavy and due to the size then can be pulled and tugged easily and they’d seem very uncomfortable. stick to 3 inch tapers til 4g/2g and then use teflon or bondage tape for ever mm after.

_____ by Sauciflar on flickr (click)

_____ by Sauciflar on flickr (click)

Submission by decadence-rawr
If you would like to submit your body modification pictures send them here. When sending a submission please link to a tumblr so I can give credit to the image. Please refer to this post before submitting.

Submission by decadence-rawr

If you would like to submit your body modification pictures send them here. When sending a submission please link to a tumblr so I can give credit to the image. Please refer to this post before submitting.

lowluhdiaries asked: hi there! thank you for answering my question about if i should continue stretching even if my lobe has a thin spot. ill try downsizing. should i downsize by size by size? or can i just leave out the jewelry everyday and wait for it to get smaller? also, sadly, i cant find pure jojoba or vitamin e oil here in Manila. is there an alternative that I can use? =)

leave the jewellery out completely. well if can’t order any online then just massage it with clean hands.

saltydebris-deactivated20140905 asked: Hello! Firstly, this is an absolutely awesome blog. I was just wondering if you (or any of your lovely followers) could tell me how visible a vertical labret piercing is without the jewellery in, and how long you can leave the jewellery out without it closely up. I'm really keen for one, but wouldn't be able to wear it all the time... Thanks!

thanks. i don’t know how long it will stay open without jewellery for you sorry it really depends on your body and how healed it is. how visible the jewellery is depends on the jewellery (the colour, the length, how it’s threaded). if you are wearing internally threaded, clear jewellery and proper length then it might be inconspicious but remember the thickness of your lip changes as you speak and smile and such. if you can’t wear it all the time then it might not be worth it.

“ vulturesinvividcolor:
“ afduygvmjbjhdgmbgds
I second that gibberish^




I second that gibberish^

(via gloomydunmer)