
So today I’ve got an update about firefox-qt for you πŸ™‚ I finally had the time and energy to fix those ArchLinux PKGBUILDs I had lying around on my disk…

We’ve now got one single pkgbuild to install using yaourt -S firefox-qt-hg
No need to uninstall firefox/xulrunner anymore.

The only thing I would recommend you to do is:


or even better: change the path to your profile (in /home/$user/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini change the path and create the folder before starting firefox-qt-hg

I’ve written down a summary of what is working here. Feel free to extend it πŸ™‚ We could create a nice changelog imho and track the progress of Firefox-Qt for users πŸ™‚

So as you can see the Firefox-Qt port is progressing quite nicely – even if there is still a long road to go – I think the mobile effort helps the Qt port a lot.. (firefox-mobile for Meego is Qt based) πŸ™‚

Now have fun enjoying these pics πŸ™‚