Premiership’s Oldest Player

Janice Goodwin asks, “Who was the oldest player ever to play in the English Premiership?”

The oldest player to play in the Premiership was John Burridge. He was playing for Manchester City, and was 43 years, 4 months and 26 days old when he played against Newcastle United on April 29th, 1995. Burridge started his professional career in 1968 and retired in 1996. He has played for 20 clubs (including Aston Villa, Crystal Palace, Sheffield United, Southampton, Newcastle United, and Manchester City).

The oldest outfield player to play in the Premiership was Gordon Strachan, when he was 40 years old (I haven’t managed to find out what was the last game he played in). Teddy Sheringham will be 40 in April this year, so he stands a good chance of breaking this record.

One Response to “Premiership’s Oldest Player”

  1. trivia celebrities Says:

    trivia baby…

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