Grilled Redskin Potatoes

Hands down this is the best way to make potatoes. Dare I say it is better than freedom fries.

What we have are grilled redskin potatoes. It makes an excellent side dish that is very delicious and very versatile.

They can go with hamburgers, chicken or a gourmet fillet Mignon.

They are a cross between oven baked potatoes and fried potatoes.

They are a cross between oven baked potatoes and fried potatoes.

Grilling potatoes fits in with Feaston’s ideology of grilling entire meals. You have the coals going, so why the hell not? Also, if you are cooking outside, you’re not heating up the inside. This means lower electric from not running the A/C and the range.

See? These potatoes offer you less stress from having more money and a better quality of life by not heating up your house.

And like I said, they can go with just about anything. We chose to pair them with the salmon and sauce we told you about earlier this week.

They are topped with some basic spices and fresh parsley from the garden.

They are topped with some basic spices and fresh parsley from the garden.

These spuds need a little bit of time to cook, so you are going to want to do them before the salmon. That needs very little time to cook. Get it?

Also. You’ll notice from the picture I am using a grilling wok. If you do your fair share of grilling, GET ONE OF THESE. They are like $15 and work wonders. They are great for veggies and potatoes.

Plan on about two and a half redskin potatoes per person.

  • Cut the potatoes into quarters. At least, you don’t want anything too thick. Thinner spuds equal less cook time. Also make sure they are relatively uniform. Place them in a bowl.
  • Drizzle olive oil over the spuds. This will help to prevent sticking to the wok.
  • Grill your spuds for 15 to 20 minutes, on direct heat. Turn them every 4 minutes or so. More if you have a hotter fire. They will burn!
  • You will know they are done when they give when you pick them up with your tongs. Think mashed potatoes wrapped in a crusty skin.
  • Top them with sea salt or garlic salt and black pepper.

If you are throwing something else on the grill, you can put these in a covered dish. They will stay hot long enough for you to finish grilling.

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