These photos were taken (mainly by John Farrow) during filming in 1994.

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The motley crew stand under the lights - Neil Farrow has his inside leg tickled by Mark Jarvis while Peter Scarffe looks at the camera.
The real actors in front of the rethatched pavilion. Leslie Phillips, tucked up under a travel rug, dozes while Mark Jarvis (right) keeps hold of his bat.
Leslie Phillips and Cathryn Harrison
(L to R seated) Joe Melia, Amanda Root, David Haig, Stephen Moore (in the blazer standing and Cathryn Harrison
Mark Jarvis (left) and Peter Scarffe (centre) wait for action
Mark Jarvis is kept in his place by Cathryn Harrison, while Joe Melia and Stephen Moore look on.
John Farrow & Stephen Moore
John Farrow & Ken Sharrock
Andrew Jarvis enjoys the limelight
David Manning, John Farrow, Peter Scarffe and Kevin Ely
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