
The Climate of Greece
February 7, 2007, 11:49 pm
Filed under: Natural Features

Greece’s climate is mostly mediterranean, but because of its unique geographical location and landscape, Greece has a large range of smaller areas of climates and variations. To the west of the Pindus mountain range, the climate is generally wetter and has some maritime features, and to the east, the climate is generally drier and windier during the summertime. The climate of Greece can be divided into four different types of climates. Dry mediterranean, Humid mediterranean, Continental mediterranean and Alpine mediterranean.

Where the climate is classified as dry mediterranean, during the summer, the weather is dry and any precipitation falls in the form of showers or thunderstorms from cumuliform cloud. Winters are wet and any falling snow doesn’t last too long, especially in the south facing slopes. Rain in winter is often persisting and can cause flash floods.

Where the climate is classified as humid mediterranean, Winters are generally mild with very few and sparse snowfalls, though frost can occur. Precipitation is abundant throughout the year and some coastal areas receive over 1000 mm of rain annually. Summers are hot and Agrinio, a town of Western Greece, sometimes boasts the highest temperature on Greek territory.

Where the climate is classified as continental mediterranean, Winters are cold, often harsh with locally abundant snowfalls and summers are hot, locally sometimes very hot, with somewhat more frequent thunderstorms. Differences in precipitation between summer and winter are not very big, though most precipitation tends to fall in late autumn.

Where the climate is classified as alpine mediterranean, the climate consists of harsh winters with abundant snowfalls and cool summers with frequent thunderstorms.

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