Majesty 2 Kingdom sim


Majesty 2 Kingdom Sim walkthrough

Majesty 2 in an RTS-RPG that is set in Ardania a county without a king and you are the only heir left.

Indirect Control

Majesty2 bases on the fact that heroes are hired and thus they are free-willed(or slaves of the gold). If u want the map explored set an Explore Flag and put a reward, your heroes should go and claim the reward revealing the way to the flag or you want something destroyed, set  and attack flag on it and set a bounty.


Sometimes being alone doesn’t do it, you may need a party. Build an Inn and research Party gathering, then you should form parties. You can get 4 heroes into a party. I always get a tanker(Warrior, Paladin,  Blademaster, Dwarf) a healer( Cleric, Priestess of Agrela) and 2 damage Dealers (the rest) and that should do it with almost anything


The economy is rather simple but very effective its like this you invest into a hero by researching spells/skills, potions, gear and the hero in turn from the money he gathers he may spend it on one of your stalls.

Market-here you can research Trinkets and ,more important, Healing and Mana potions

Blacksmith-Here is where your heroes get their equipement

Magic Bazaar-This provides potions with various effects.


The lords a heroes that you may choose after you win a map, you can only choose one per map. The only difference between normal heroes and lords is that Lords may be used on any map without losing their experience and gear.You may only hire 3 Lords at a time. I only recruit Clerics/Priestess Of Agrela as lords because you can’t have enough healers for parties.


There are 13 Classes although 6 of them you can’t get them in the field without a temple, the rest are simply recruited from the guild

The Cleric-Is the healer who fights best along warriors but she can fend on her own when needed.  She has potent skills against Undead. She may turn Into Priestess of Agrela or Sister Of Krypta. They are very easy to level as their heal ability can ensure the survival in almost any cases

Priestess of Agrela-is an improved version of the cleric, pretty much like it with mass heal and a few buffs(adds physical attack ) the elite against undead. To rectuit her you need Temple To Agrela

Sister Of Krypta-calls undead minions to her aid, she loses the ability to heal the living and plagues the enemy. To recruit her you need to build Temple to Krypta

WarriorIs the backbone of the army, he can taunt enemies into fighting and he’s very tough. He may choose the path of Paladin or Blademaster. Being tough has its benefits, he is very easy to level.

  •   The BladeMaster is an upgraded version of the warrior, while he still possess some toughness is nowhere near the paladin but he has a lot more Damage than the paladin.To recruit him you need to build Temple to Krolm

The Paladin-is the toughest of them all, has decent damage. Outlives any other class

Ranger-is the scout of your army, eager  to respond to the explore flag, very effective versus beasts(wolves,bears, rats).He may turn into Archer of Helia or BeastMaster.Pretty easy to level

Archer Of Helia-this hero is the best archer there is and one of ( if not The)best the damage Dealers.To recruit him you need to build Temple to Helia.

BeastMaster-this quite an odd class, it has a pet(wolf, bear) which may tank if needed, also he may buff other heroes in order to be immune to stun/knockback .To recruit him you need to build a Temple to Fervus

Mage-these are one of the damage dealers which can learn potent spells(Aoe, freeze, knockback), they are a pain to level but once you got them past level 5 they can take care for themselves.

Rogues-Are damage dealers who can tank at a higher level, they would do almost anything for money(attack, scout, defend)

Dwarf-Are skilled melee fighter who can tank, and is the best magic tank(it can easily tank dragons, vampires and anything that can use magic)

Elf-another ranger fighter who can stun, paralyze enemies.Great damage dealer

Campaign Scenarios



This is a easy map, all you need to do is to reach an Inn and escort a caravan, and in the end you are required to build 3 trading posts.

Start by building a market, a Warriors Guild and a Clerics Guild. As you star with 2000 gold get 2 Warriors and one Cleric for the moment, and when you have enough gold research the Healing Potion at the guild.

Later on when you have enough money get all the heroes including Rogues and Rangers.  Start scouting soon after you research the research the Sacred Heal spell at the Cleric Guild. Also do not forget to upgrade your guilds; your heroes will get amazing skills. Soon after you reveal monster spawning buildings destroy them that should make your life easier.

Also do not spend too much on the rewards or your heroes will get greedy and become non-responsive at your bounties

Blacksmith provides better gear for your heroes, you will only get just level 1 gear; more than enough for this map

Finally as I said before you need to build 3 Trading posts, try to secure as much of those in the future as they bring substantial income

The chests around monster buildings may contain: Gold, Gear, Potions and Trinkets.

2. The Great Towers

In this map you need to build some 2 predetermined towers in order to protect the borders.

Start as in ENGINE OF COMMERCE .Here also you have just 2000 gold at your disposal. There are 2 trading place due north of your position and another 2 in the south-east and south-west. Build all guilds and hire heroes, research skills and get the blacksmith up (and research the gear of course).

The towers are situated in the north-west; once you reach there are a few villagers that will ask you to destroy the Minotaur Pyramids, they are situated north of your castle, once you’re done they will get building the towers and that’s it!


3. The Baron’s Bill


This is the first Advanced Map, you will need strong economy and patience.

Start as usual only that this time you have 5000 gold enough to build and hire all heroes.

Scout around and you should find some Portals to Hell destroy them as quick as possible. North of you there should be a mountain (mountains are scouted entirely once your heroes get near them) west of it there is a Trading place.

You should consider building a Guardhouse near the east part of your encampment to prevent overwhelming.

Don’t forget to research skills and gear at the Guilds and Blacksmith.

The baron’s castle is in the north-east surrounded by 4 guardhouses. Now put a great bounty on one of the towers, like 1000-1500, and small rewards one the other ones, like 5-600 gold. And finally when you are done put another great bounty on the castle, that should be enough.

If your heroes have died you can resurrect them at a graveyard for a fee, at the moment the most expensive class to resurrect is the Cleric.

4. Shadow of the past

Another Advanced Map in which have to destroy a wizard’s tower.

But first you absolutely have to build, for the first time, the Wizard’s Guild and upgrade it, if you don’t you will be assaulted by spells which in the end will destroy your castle.

Once you get enough money get the market up along with Rangers and Warriors, scout around as much as you can while you gather money.

Later on research the skills(research Ice Arrow at the Mages Guild) and hire the rest of the heroes, also get the blacksmith level 2 as you may get level 2 gear (these are a lot better than level 1) also by upgrading the blacksmith you will get the Dwarf class.

On this map you will first encounter Werewolves, these monsters are a lot harder to beat its best if you let your heroes level a bit (level 10 should be enough), you may need to get your heroes into parties to cope with the werewolves better.

I suggest not getting near the Wizards tower, there’s a safer way of destroying it. Get the map cleansed except that wizard tower as the defenses will rip through your heroes.

Use the Lighting bolt from the Mages Guild to destroy the tower, you will need considerable amount of gold, about 180000 but having all the Trading places on the map should get that amount in 15-20 minutes.

After the tower is destroyed the owner will appear, you are to destroy him too.

5. Big Trouble

Another Advanced map, here you are required you to kill an ogre. Get Warriors, Rogues, Rangers, Clerics guilds up and hire the heroes, also if you have gold get the market and research the Healing potion.

Don’t worry a about the ogre he will mostly sleep if you don’t disturb him!

Once you have enough gold upgrade your castle and market, you will get the help of the elves, a guild, 2 mages tower and 3 already hired heroes. Don’t forget about your mages, upgrade and level them.

A secondary quest is to reach a Temple to Krolm, once you reach it you can recruit Blademasters.

In the final stages of development get a Magic Bazaar and wait for the heroes to buy some potions.

When you feel you are ready attack the ogre( you need at least 1 warrior of level 10 of higher).

n this map you are to destroy the dragon Rafnir. You have to build quick some defenses on the end of each road. Hire what heroes you can except Mages.

There is a Trading places to the south, it should help you get enough money to upgrade your castle and your blacksmith, once you are done build the Dwarven guild.

Watch from where the dragon comes and set the Dwarf Tower there it should distract him, now you can focus on your base of operations.

A secondary quest is to reach a witch who will tell you how to defeat the dragon. Once you reach her, you have to destroy 3 Minotaur pyramids after that visit a ruin in the South-west, there it should appear a few ghosts, kill them and the Dragon will be weakened. The Dragon now should have a lot less defense but he still packs a punch so level your heroes first and gear them. When you are ready, Attack take out the lair first, then the dragon. be careful of his breath as it damages all heroes in front of the Dragon.

6.The Royal Feat

In this map you are to destroy the dragon Rafnir. You have to build quick some defenses on the end of each road. Hire what heroes you can except Mages.

There is a Trading places to the south, it should help you get enough money to upgrade your castle and your blacksmith, once you are done build the Dwarven guild.

Watch from where the dragon comes and set the Dwarf Tower there it should distract him, now you can focus on your base of operations.

A secondary quest is to reach a witch who will tell you how to defeat the dragon. Once you reach her, you have to destroy 3 Minotaur pyramids after that visit a ruin in the South-west, there it should appear a few ghosts, kill them and the Dragon will be weakened. The Dragon now should have a lot less defense but he still packs a punch so level your heroes first and gear them. When you are ready, Attack take out the lair first, then the dragon. be careful of his breath as it damages all heroes in front of the Dragon.


7. Mortal Faibles of The King.


On this map there is a boss, King of the rats, which starts attacking your settlement in the first 2 minutes of the game. First build defenses around the Royal sewers as he spawns there along with some of this his servants.

Get the Rangers guild up and running along with the Cleric guild this should ensure that you will not be overwhelmed, also get a market place and research healing potion.

There is a Trading place to the south, but there are lots of the undead, this is where your clerics come into play send them to destroy the spawning buildings.

Later on, get all the heroes on the field and equip them if possible.

When you are ready search for the in, in the north-west and escort the caravan to your market, also along the way you should have encountered the Bearmen( these are pretty easy as they don’t attack so you can prepare for them).

Once the caravan has reached, a trap will be set for the King Of rats and he will be out in the open, a surgical strike should do it.

8. Life and Death

For the first time you can build a temple, you can choose from Temple of Agrela(light) and Krypta (Dark)

Build you base any way you like as long as you get the dwarven tower, build it on the North left road, where is a trading Place, powerful monsters will come from that road (Dragons and elementals)

On this map there are pretty powerful monster: Werewolves(to the south) Bearmen( south-west), elementals and Dragons(north)

When you got enough gold build on the Sacred Ground, east of your position, choose any goddess but be warned the goddess you didn’t chose will get angry and  spawn lots of Monster Buildings, deal with them and that is it.


9. The Gold Chyort.


On this map you have to gather 35000 gold in 35 days, it is very easy if you build some defenses first( at the end of each road) and don’t spend money on Mages and level 2 blacksmith.

Get warriors, clerics, Rogues, Rangers and start scouting. If you encounter any local Rogue Guild, destroy it and you will receive 5000 gold. There are 4 Rogues guilds, in the east, north, north-east and south east, this should gather at least 20000 gold. Also if you came across Trading post you will immediately get control of them and generate Gold. There is a special Trading post, the one in the North-east, it gives you a secondary quest, escort the merchant and you will receive 10000 gold.

Now you should have at least 35000 gold and that should be it. You can win very easy if you don’t spend too much on the rewards; try not to put more than 400 gold pieces per flag.

10.Trouble with the AfterLife

This is the last Advanced map from here on only Expert awaits you.

You have to kill the Ancient Lich and until you can kill him, he keeps summoning Dark Portals to get rid of them put small reward for them and that should do it.

Start by building Warriors, Clerics, Rangers and Rogues Guild also don’t forget to get the Market place and Blacksmith. Once you research the basics on these buildings, get the Mages, Dwarf and elves if possible.

Don’t Forget to USE artifacts!

If you have time on your hands leave the Portals alone and watch as you heroes level very fast.

Get the Temple of Dauros build, as I said before paladins are the best tanks.

In the final stages get the bazaar and research anything you haven’t, waif for your heroes to buy the gear. Get your heroes into parties.

Once you are ready set an explore flag on the place the Lich is located (North).

Lich as 6 Mirrors which summons 6 illusions, they are not too strong but they have lots of Hitpoints so destroy them first. When you destroyed the last mirror, set another high-reward on the Lich (he’s the one with 65000 Hp)

This boss has AOE so be careful about your healers.


 11. The Eternal Love


This is the first Expert Map in which you have to kill the Skeleton King. Hire Clerics and Warriors. At the Cleric guild research fast the Holy heal and the Holy attack spell(great damage against the undead)

Use the artifact to get money as soon as possible as well as securing the trading places to the north (not too far from your position) and west(toward the ogres)

To help you kill the Skeleton King easier reach a Crypt in the north-west this will make the Kings escort disappear.

But watch out for the ogres who come from the west, if want to end them fast scout and destroy the spawning building.

Try to get ready by the day 100 as he will attack by then, also he as Aoe.

Once you kill him you may use the Scepter of Sidrian from here on.



12. Pretenders to the Throne.

On this map there are 2 castles which you need to destroy. The castle of Rogues and elves in the north. And the castle of Paladins and Clerics in the South-west.

Try to get as soon as possible the Dwarf Tower and build one in the north( where the rogues come from) also one where the paladins com, but the AI is not that stupid, sometimes he tries to avoid the defenses.   Trading places are located in the south, one the east and another in the North(rogue and elves will attack it often so its not a reliable source of income)

Get your heroes into parties to cope better with the Paladin threat, if they are not in a party they may run from the paladins.

Get everything researched including bazaar and get leveling. You may consider hiring your Lords if needed.

When ready, attack the Rogues castle first watch out for that mages tower, they shouldn’t put too much resistance if you have a strong army.

Once you are done take a moment for your heroes to refill their potion supplies, when ready attack the other castle and that should be it.


13. Bloody Offences

 On this map you have to destroy 3 Vampire Castles.

Build all main guild without the rangers and rogue Guild, and try not to destroy spawning building for the beginning also research the Holy attack spell.

Don’t bother doing that escort quest it is nearly impossible.

Once your heroes get a decent level, like 8+ hire the other ones and start scouting. There is a Trading place north, east and south east. Build some defenses near them.

Research everything and hire Lords, get heroes into parties also if you feel overwhelmed use the Scepter of Sidrian.

The castles are located South, East and North. Once you destroy the last one a vampire lord will appear, he’s pretty easy even for main heroes.


14. The Demon’s Advisor


Build all guilds you can except mages guild, there is a Trading place near you and one a bit north.

There are some ogre caves west of you which you have to destroy for a quest, I strongly recommend to destroy them as fast as possible to avoid ogre overwhelming, also by destroying them you get 5000 gold.

Scout around and you will see east of you werewolves’ huts, also destroy them as soon a possible.

Once you have established a strong economy research all you can, hire all heroes you haven’t. Getting some Dwarven towers on the path imps come will help a lot.

Later Dragons will start attacking, also giving a quest. Destroy the nest, it is just one, giving 5000 gold, also near the Dragon nest there is a Trading post which gives an escort task and as a bonus you get the Trading post ready built.

If you have strong heroes start destroying Spawning buildings but keep clear of the Demons advisor.

Paladins and Priestess of Agrela will help a lot; get them as soon as possible.

By day 80 the Demons advisor will attack, don’t let him get near your buildings, he has Aoe Stun and Aoe-attack. Prepare for an epic fight.

This is just a prelude to the next fight.


15.The Return Of His Majesty


This is the last fight, the last stand. The Baron of Logic is the enemy.

You the get the last Artifact, The Crown Of Ardenia.

You get 50000 gold enough to hire all heroes and research their Skills. On this map you have to build all temples but I suggest you to build as fast as possible the Temples to Dauros Agrela and Helia this will stop monsters like Elementals to be spawned.

When the Balrog attack you buildings use your Crown to distract him, you can also summon the Spirit anywhere on the map this may help you explore a bit.

Also try to secure all Trading Places to keep the economy running up to speed. When you have enough gold build the rest of the Temples to weaken the demon this should be enough for you to beat him.

Research all you can and promote your heroes.

If something goes wrong DON’T GIVE UP.

Once all your heroes are level 10 at least and fully equipped, attack and use the spells from the temples this should help a bit.

Damage dealers are expected to go down first healers and tankers should stay a while, enough to beat him.

Congratulations you have finished the Campaign.

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6 Responses to “Majesty 2 Kingdom sim”

  1. I read your final walkthrough, The Return of His Majesty. And I made it – thanks. But where is the part about the dwarves’ stone incantation, which restores part of a building. I think it is pretty important, when The Baron of Logic attacks the temples! 🙂

  2. On mission 14, once you find the elemental portals – in this mission they are the three vertical crystals – destroy them even if you have to lose a few heroes. The imp isn’t so hard to kill with healers… if he doesn’t have his two elemental buddies and their massive AOE stuns.

    If you can’t kill the portals, focus temple spells on those elementals to destroy them as they spawn in the final battle.

    • Shrehit Says:

      In the last mission,I can’t make it because the Elementals keep spawning.Also,If I build the temples,The monsters destroy it.What is the best and easy way to do this mission.Please do reply!

      • best i can say right now is do not give up, in the first stages of the game explore the map as much as you can, ocupy trading posts and destroy monster dens to keep them from spamming mobs later. Good Luck!

  3. Wendigo Says:

    Stine: The dwarves stone spell is connected with the dwarf-building. Just upgrade…

    EG: Thanks very much for your solution. It helps a lot, but the random generator is a big aid, too. Try a thousand times and don’t give up. Majesty 2 will show you the meaning of indurance…

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