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Kamila nie żyje
Policja poinformowała, że 24 stycznia w jeziorze w Priory Country Park w Bedford znaleziono zwłoki 26-letniej Polki Kamili Garsztki, która zaginęła 13 grudnia 2005 r. Nie wiadomo jeszcze jakie są przyczyny jej śmierci.

Policja w Bedford prowadziła przez kilka tygodni intensywne poszukiwania Kamili, nie natrafiła jednak na żadne ślady, które pomogłyby ustalić przyczynę jej zaginięcia.

Policja wciąż szuka świadków, którzy zauważyli coś podejrzanego 13 grudnia w okolicach Rutland Road oraz jeziora w Priory Country Park w Bedford oraz osób, które znały Kamilę lub spotkały ją w Bedford, Londynie lub w 12 grudnia w Brighton. Każdy, kto posiada jakiekolwiek informacje na temat Kamili jest proszony o kontakt z policją w Bedford pod numerem telefonu 01234 275355 (kontakt w razie potrzeby również w po polsku) lub adresem mailowym: maroon@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk.

12 grudnia 2005 r. Kamila była na wycieczce w Brighton, wróciła wieczorem do Bedford, spędziła noc u swojego chłopaka i następnego dnia zaginął po niej ślad. Zostawiła w mieszkaniu swoją torebkę, telefon komórkowy i kartę kredytową. Przez kilka tygodni nie dawała znaku życia. Jej zwłoki zauważyli we wtorek 24 stycznia kajakarze w jeziorze w Bedford, kilkaset metrów od jej miejsca zamieszkania.


Operation Maroon – Update

Detectives investigating the disappearance of Polish woman Kamila Garsztka have confirmed that a body found in Bedford’s Priory Marina is that of the missing woman.

Canoeists using the lake yesterday afternoon discovered the body in the water and called police. The underwater recovery team from Thames Valley Police attended and recovered the body back to shore.

A forensic post mortem carried out last night in Bedford has proved inconclusive as to cause of death, and further tests, which will take some time to carry out, have been asked for. Kamila, 26, who shared a home with her brother and other Polish people in London Road, Bedford, was positively identified this afternoon. It is believed she has been in the water for some weeks.

Kamila’s family in Poland and Bedford have been told by the news. Coincidentally, officers travelled to Poznan on Monday, to visit Kamila’s parents and give them news of the investigation’s progress. In the light of the discovery of her body, some of the officers will remain in Poland rather than coming home today as originally planned.

Kamila was last seen on December 13. Her boyfriend told police that she had spent the night with him after visiting Brighton on December 12. He had picked her up from the train station and the following morning, December 13, he had left her at the flat when he went to work. When he returned home about 11.45pm that night, she had gone but her handbag, mobile phone and bank card were there.

Since then, no-one has heard from Kamila and when she was formally reported missing on December 15, police started enquiries to trace her. When she failed to make contact with any of her family over Christmas and New Year, Bedford police were so concerned about her a full incident room was opened. Since then 20 detectives have been working full time on the case and have made extensive enquiries with her friends, family and work colleagues. Officers have also visited Brighton in an effort to discover what she was doing there the day before she disappeared.

Det Insp Ged McCarthy, one of the senior investigators working on Kamila’s case, said the team were still very anxious to hear from anyone at all who knew her.

“This enquiry is far from concluded. We have yet to establish how Kamila died, what her last movements were, or how she ended up in the Marina. Her death is being treated as suspicious. It is absolutely essential, that anyone who knew Kamila, however slightly, comes forward to speak to us. You may think your information is unimportant, but it really could be a vital link in this case.

“We’re still interested in talking to anyone who saw anything suspicious around the area of Rutland Road, on December 13. Now we also need to speak to people who use the Priory Marina park as well. It may be they have seen something out of place, or suspicious around that time.

“Kamila’s body has been in the lake for some weeks – it’s possible that other people using the water or the shore round it have seen Kamila’s body, or items of her clothing, in the water and not realised what it was. Currents may have taken her body away from where she originally entered the water. In order to build up a detailed picture of her last movements, before and after her death, we want to hear from anyone who’s seen unexplained clothing or anything at all suspicious in the water at the Priory Marina lake, or nearby.”

Anyone who can help should contact the Operation Maroon incident room on 01234 275355, or e-mail detectives direct on maroon@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk. Polish speaking officers and interpreters are available for assistance with any language difficulties.
2006-01-26 19:25:06 komentarz[0] |

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