Movie Name: Godzilla vs. The Cosmic Monster (a.k.a. "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla", "Godzilla vs. The Bionic Monster")

Not as bad (or funny, for that matter) as Godzilla vs. Gigan, but still not that great! Another silly plot, with mind-bogglingly bad villains. Basically, aliens from another planet (who look just like people in ape masks!) create a robotic godzilla to defeat the real Godzilla in preparation for their plan to invade earth. Godzilla teams up with a very silly-looking creature from some ancient mythology to defeat the baddies. It's got some fun moments, but it may just be a little too, well, silly for adults. The main redeeming quality of this one is the title monster, Mechagodzilla, who actually looks quite good -- not just like a guy in a metal monster suit! Gee -- did I mention that the evil aliens look like "Planet of the Apes" rejects? Sheeeesh!


Gojira tai Mekagojira [Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla] (1974)
Released in U.S. as Godzilla vs. The Cosmic Monster (1978)

Hideto Miyashima....................Akihiko Hirata
Keisuke Shimizu....................Masaaki Daimon
Masahiko Shimizu....................Kazuya Aoyama
Saeko Kanashiro......................Reiko Tajima
Ikuko Miyashima..................Hiromi Matushita
Dr. Kazukura......................Hiroshi Koizumi
Kuronuma...............................Goro Mutsu

Director...............................Jun Fukuda
Screenplay..........Hiroyasu Yamaura & Jun Fukuda
Special Effects..................Teruyoshi Nakano
Music.................................Masaru Sato

Running Time: 84 min.

Released by Cinema Shares
Alternate Titles: Godzilla vs The Bionic Monster,
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla
Running Time: 84 min.

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