General Health Tips




Understanding Common Cold

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Common Cold:

Common cold is highly communicable disease characterised by inflammation of musous membrane of nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea,bronchi etc. It is very common disease and almost everybody suffers from this disease once or twice in a year specially in winter season. Children are more susceptible to this disease. Adults usally recover promptly and completely but viral pneumonia may lead to serious complications of upper respiratory tract. Although during common cold a person amy not lie down in the bed but it greatly reduces the efficiency of work. On an average each cold lasts for 1 or 2 weeks.

Causative Organism:

Common cold is caused by a filtrable virus. Any person, if he comes in contact with another person having cold may also get this disease. Other causes of common cold may include sudden changes in temperature, improper food, obstructions of the nose, fatigue, exposure to cold and dampness etc.

Mode of Transmission:

It is transmitted by direct contact, by droplet infection of through fomites like bandkerchief, towel, book, notebook, pen, pencil etc.

Incubation Period:

Incubations period is from few hours to 2 or 3 days. Sometimes it lasts for 7 days. The immunity short lived.

Signs and Symptoms:

During common cold the mucous membrane of the nose becomes swollen and the secretions copious. There is sneezing, running of nose, watery discharge from eyes followed by body ache and head ache. Fever may or may not be present.


There is no specific treatment for common cold. Rest is adviseable to give relief from body ache and headache. Analgesics may be helpful in this respect. Common cold generally lasts for a regular course of 1 or 2 weeks and cures itself, although early treatment shortens the attack. If any body has frequent colds, even though they are not severe, a physician should be consulted because frequent colds may prove harmful to the body.


For the prevention of common cold the person suffering from this disease should observe the following precuations:

1. Preferable he should isolate himself for the first 2 or 3 day of cold.

2. He should keep away from crowded places because coughing and sneezing spread this disease.

3. While talking, coughing or sneezing keep a distance from healthy persons and shield the mouth and nose with a handkerchief so that the droplets of infections may not reach to the healthy persons.

4. Avoid talking directly into the face of other persons.

How to reduce weight

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It is time to get your balance back. The following easy weight loss tips will help you lose weight in a healthy way. Follow These Steps


1.Diet 2.Exercises 3.Walking 4.Think Positively 5.Avoid Drinkg & Smoke

1. Diet

Early morning: Take one glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon and honey added to it.

Morning breakfast:
1. Take Any Small Fruit
2. One Cup Of Tea Or Balck Coffee. It will be Reduce Your Weight.
3. Two or three small tomatoes or cucumbers
4. Eat Dialy Boiled Egg.

Mid day meal:
1. One or Two Small Chapatti or Bread.
2. Half a bowl of green soup.
3. Two or Three Small Cucumbers or Tomatoes.
4. Non vegetarian can take some Sea Food.

Afternoon and early evening: As per the morning breakfast

Supper: As per the mid day meal. But a small bowlful of rice can be taken instead of bread or chapatti.


Chew properly 15 to 20 Times When you take a Food.


1. Walking on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes.
2. Swim Daily.
3. Running 3 to 5 Miles Everyday.
4. Play Outdoor Games.
5. Sometimes Riding a cycle 5 to 10 KM.
6. Drink Water 8 to 10 Glasses.


If you’ve been jogging for fitness & weightloss for some time now, you may be ready for a small alter.
Jogging atleast 30-60 miutes daily. it burns stored overweight & can build muscle to speed up your metablism.

4.Think Positively

Think positively. If you start thinking that you will never accomplish your objective, you won't. Positive thinking is the key to success.

Then You can lose weight without exercising, when you think positively. you need some strenght trainning.Walking a couple of miles daily.Avoid self-defeat by replacing negative
thoughts with positive affirmations.

5. Avoid Drinkg & Smoke

Avoid alcohol and smoke.Most poeple who drink and smoke do it together and indulging in one can make it harder to resist other.

Daily Meditation and Yoga For Best Result.

Good Reasons for Quitting

1. You will live longer and live better.
2. If you are pregnant, Avoid smoking will improve your chances of having a healthy baby.
3. You Can save Extra money to Future.

How To Look Young

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There are plenty of things they can do to look & feel young.Follow This.


1. Always moisturize your whole body.Never forget your elbows, knees & hands. They can also age you.

2. protect your skin from sun & Polutions. Don't use plenty of chemicals & fragrances on your skin. Try to stick to natural & basics.

3. Eating habits are most important , try to loose extra weight , do not take lots of carbonated drinks.

4. Drink lots of juices & water. But Don't Drink Over When you eating food & doing exercise. Eat fresh seasonal vegetables & lots of sweet juicy fruits are excellent for the skin.

5. Try to avoid taking stress. make friends, Play Games, elementary Runnig & Do Yoga Dialy Some Hours.

6. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated. Young skin is a lot better hydrated than older skin.

7. Basic steps of cleansing, toning, moisturize & nourishing should be added in your routine.

8. By the By Keep smiling Every Day, Every Hour and Every Minute.

How to Avoid from Swine Flu

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Everybody is worried about the swine flu virus. Every time you open the News get into the internet and you will find all kinds of information about swine flu.


1. Wash your Hands regularly with soap and water.Alcohol based sanitizer are also helpful. Make sure you wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Also buy those small alcohol based sanitizer that you can have your kids carry around everywhere they go and tell them to use the sanitizer regularly.Wash your hands well whenever you have been out in public.

2. Whenever possible, avoid large crowds. Try to keep a distance from people, since others do not always cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough.Wear Mask. Wear your masks especially when travelling or when going to crowded places.

3. Avoid Crowded Places.We need to be careful that we don't transfer what we have to others.when you sneeze, you don't want to spread any germs around.If you are travelling and you can re-schedule your Trip.

4. Cover your Mouth when sneezing. Avoid touching your mouth, eyes or nose with your hands as the moisture in these areas make them primary sites of transmission.

5. Don’t be embarrassed that others know you’re worried about theSwine Flu and be extremely cautious.

6. Learn the symptoms of the Swine Flu and visit your doctor if they show up.

7. Talk to your Doctor. If you are experiencing flu like symptoms, it will be better to do all the precautions and talk to your doctor.

8 . Basically preventing the swine flu is the same as preventing any flu or common cold. Stay clean and eat healthy is the best advice I can give.

Tips & Warnings

* Being aware of your surroundings will help reduce your chances of Swine Flu.
* You cannot get Swine Flu from eating well-cooked pork.
* The Swine Flu is passed human to human and contact with regular pigs should not be a problem.
* You can't always keep away from sick people, but try to as much as possible until the Swine Flu passes.


Multiple new cases of a new strain of Swine flu (Swine Influenza A, H1N1) have been reported in Mexico and in the United States. Multiple deaths have been reported to the World Health Organization, currently assessing the accuracy of the incoming reports.

Historically, the CDC receives approximately one report of Swine flu case per 1 - 2 years in the United States but over the past four years, these numbers have tripled. Reports are updated daily at on the numbers the CDC is receiving including both national and international cases.

International officials are on alert and airports have begun to screen arriving passengers. Officials are surveying arriving passengers for any viral signs and symptoms. One airport in Chiba, Japan (Narita) is screening passengers arriving from Mexico utilizing thermographic imaging for increases in body temperature.
Transmission of Swine Flu (How is Swine Flu spread?)
As with other flu like illnesses, Swine flu is spread as follows:

* Coughing
* Sneezing
* Kissing
* Touching infected objects
* Touching nose, mouth and/or eyes with infected hands

Swine Flu Symptoms
Symptoms of Swine flu may including all or some of the following:

* Fever
* Muscle aches
* Lethargy
* Coughing
* Headache
* Sore throat
* Runny nose
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Lack of appetite

Complications Of Swine Flu And Higher Risk Individuals

Those at higher risk include those with the following:

* Age of 65 years or older
* Chronic health problems (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease)
* Pregnant women
* Young children

Complications (for all patients but especially for those at higher risk) can include:

* Pneumonia
* Bronchitis
* Sinus infections
* Ear infections
* Death

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Swine Flu

1. A respiratory sample collected within the first five days of illness will be collected.
2. The sample is sent to the CDC for laboratory analysis and confirmation.

At this time the CDC is recommending the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) for treatment and/or prevention of Swine flu.
Prevention of Swine Flu

* Covering nose and mouth with a tissue upon coughing and sneezing followed by proper disposal of the tissue.
* Avoiding contact with ill persons.
* Avoiding the urge to touch nose, mouth and eyes in general.
* Staying home form work and/or school upon onset and for the duration of symptoms.
* Assuring adequate and thorough handwashing and use of alcohol based hand cleansers (in the absence of proper handwashing facilities).
* Providing tissues in common areas of homes, common and public areas.
* Encouraging pursuit of medical evaluation at earliest onset of symptoms.
* Use of masks to those who are exhibiting symptoms or who are ill.
* Maintenance of a 3 to 6 foot perimeter around a coughing patient.

Calm analysis coupled with accurate and proper public education is the key to identifying, treating and minimizing a worldwide outbreak.



Treatment for swine flu is the same as for any flu. Plenty of rest, fluids and supportive therapy may be all that's needed. In severe cases, antiviral drugs may be prescribed, and hospitalization may be required. You should contact your doctor if you think you've been exposed to swine flu.

Step 1: Call Your Doctor if You Think You Have Swine Flu
If you are experiencing flu symptoms, and believe you may have been exposed to swine flu, contact your doctor immediately. They can take a swab of mucous and send it to the appropriate state laboratory to determine if you actually have swine flu.CDC: Guidance for Clinicians & Public Health Professionals Guidance for Clinicians & Public Health Professionals1 While the treatment you receive will depend on the severity of your symptoms, an accurate diagnosis will help your doctor properly plan your course of treatment.

Step 2: Caring for Swine Flu at Home
As of April 28, 2009, most patients with swine flu in the United States have been successfully cared for at home. If someone in your household has swine flu, there are several things you should do.

1. Take precautions to avoid spreading the disease to any one else.
1. Keep the patient isolated from the rest of the householdCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
2. The patient should cover coughs and sneezes.CDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
3. Everyone in the house should practice frequent hand washingCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
4. Patients should avoid contact with people outside the home for 7 days after the first symptoms appearCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
2. Make sure the sick person gets plenty of rest and clear fluids.CDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
3. Although over the counter medications may be useful in alleviating flu symptoms, do not give medications containing aspirin to children or teenagers because of the danger of Reye's Syndrome.CDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
4. Ask the doctor if the patient, as well as other family members, should be taking an antiviral drug.

Step 3: When an Antiviral Drug Should be Prescribed for Swine Flu
* Viruses can develop resistance to medications used to treat them. The H1N1 virus is resistant to two commonly prescribed antivirals, amantadine and rimantadine. As of April 2009, Tamiflu and Relenza were still effective in reducing the severity and duration of swine flu symptoms.The New York Times: Tracking Swine Flu (April 26, 2009)3

1. The CDC has issued guidelines for which patients who have confirmed, probable or suspected novel influenza should be treated with antivirals:
1. All hospitalized patientsCDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4
2. Children under 5, and adults over 65CDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4
3. All nursing home residentsCDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4
4. Patients 18 and younger taking long term aspirin therapyCDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4
5. Patients who have chronic illnesses, such as chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), kidney, liver, hematological, neurologic, neuromuscular, or metabolic disordersCDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4
6. Immunosuppressed patientsCDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4
7. Pregnant womenCDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4
2. People in the high risk groups above, and their close contacts, may be prophylactically treated with Tamiflu or Relenza to prevent swine flu. Prophylactic treatment should be continue for 10 days after the last confirmed exposureCDC: Antiviral Drugs and H1N1 Flu (April 29, 2009)4

Step 4: Signs that Immediate Medical Care is Needed for Swine Flu
* While most U.S. swine flu patients to date have been successfully cared for at home, there are symptoms that require immediate medical attention. These include:

1. Difficulty breathingCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
2. Chest painCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
3. Purple or blue discoloration of the lipsCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
4. Persistent vomitingCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
5. Signs of dehydration
1. Dizziness when standingCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
2. Reduced urine volumeCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
3. In infants - lack of tears when crying, dry diapersCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
6. SeizuresCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2
7. Confusion or other signs of altered mental status, such as being less responsive than normalCDC: Interim Guidance for Swine influenza A (H1N1)2



lower back pain is caused by a combination of strain, overuse, or injury to the muscles, ligaments, & discs that support the spine. Relaxing your lower back can help avoid this problem.Both men & women are effected equally by lower back pain but usually for different reasons. Men tend to injure themselves at work or activities, while woman will have lower back pain more often from stress, weaker stomach muscles or from carrying & caring for children. You can help to prevent lower back pain by relaxing your back with a simple stretch--especially after exercise or strenuous activity when the back tends to tighten up.

1. correctly sit on the floor with your right leg over your left leg (once referred to as sitting.

2. Lay your arms out in front of you, relax and drop your head while slowly letting your weight pull you forward

3. Relax & breathe while holding for a few minutes.

4. Close your eyes and slowly breathe in and out. Take 4 counts to breath in. Hold for 4 counts, and breathe out for 4 counts. With each breath, imagine all the stress leaving your body. Imagine your muscles getting heavier and relax your back.

Tips & Warnings

Sometimes a tired back is symptomatic of little action in your life. If you don't stay active, your back muscles will weaken and make regular household activities difficult and painful.

Back Pain For Women

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which starts off from the nerves, muscles, joints, bones and other spinal parts. This type of pain may be a chronic one or can endure for long, remain in a fixed place or spread to more areas. sitagita offers you all information on this pain at your back as well as low back pain, and allows you to know more about it’s the conditions in association with this pain, its causes, types, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

1. Try to keep your weight gain during the pregnancy within the recommended standards. Doctors recommend that a woman gain anywhere from 25-35 during a pregnancy. If the woman is overweight before she gets pregnant, the recommended amount is only 15-25 pounds. Gaining extra weight during a pregnancy puts more pressure and weight on your back, adding to back pain during your pregnancy.

2. Take warm baths and showers. This will help to sooth your sore muscels and it is also great for mentally relaxing you. At the end of the pregnancy, a lot of women take warm showers. Make sure that the water is not too hot or cold. Really hot water could hurt the baby and cold will not help to sooth your aches.

3. Learn to relax. Many back pain problems during a pregnancy are due to stress. Try some relaxation exercises and breathing techniques to conquer your stress.

4. Avoid standing for long periods of time. Some pregnant women experience tremendous back pain while standing for too long.

5. Apply ice and heat packs alternately for 10 to 15 minutes to your back to reduce muscle strain and swelling. Make sure you set aside time every day to relax and put your feet up to give your back a break.

6. Enjoy the outdoors - a daily walk of 20 to 30 minutes is one of the easiest and most beneficial of exercises.

Tips & Warnings

During a pregnancy, a woman has to pay extra-special attention to the strain she puts on her back. Basically, is something hurts or bothers your back, don't do it.


1. Wash your face as many times as you can, using a mild cleanser.

2. Use an oil free moisturiser and cosmetics.

3. Use a clay-based face mask two or three times a week.

4. Avoid using cleansers that tend to overdry skin. This paradoxically causes your skin to produce even more oil than usual.

5. Make your own fruit acid mask. Mash papaya and smear it on your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing off.

6. Steam your skin several times a week and add camomile, lavender oil or dried herbs to it.

7. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking atleast eight glasses of water a day.

8. Reduce fats and oils in your diet.

9. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.


1. EXERCISE AND RUN everyday or as much as possible.
Running 40 minutes a day, about 5 hours a week, helps you to get in plenty of exercise. Any form of exercise that gets your heart rate up at least 20 minutes a day will increase your chances to live a longer and healthier life.

2. A little bit of physical activity alone can increase life expectancy. Physical activity can curb major causes of death and ill-health like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

3. Have breakfast, always! You already know its the most important meal of the day, all you got to do now is make it your favorite!

4. Eat five portions of fruit and a vegetable in a day or stop smoking and the impact can be even greater. Even one additional serving of fruit or a vegetable would increase your chances of staying alive longer.

5. A moderate amount of exercise at work would increase your chances of staying alive longer.

6. Quit smoking and drink alcohol in moderation. Smoking wrecks havoc on your lungs and cardiovascular system. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to liver failure, weight gain and diabetes.

7. Expose your body to the sun between 7-9 in the morning for a good amount of vitamin D.

8. Reducing the amount of oil and salt intake in one's diets also plays an important role. Avoid food that tastes better with more salt.

9. Have a positive attitude towards life. Enjoy every bit and every moment of the day. Life is too short to worry about things. The positive attitude has physiological affects on your body and mind. As long as your body and mind are at ease you can guarantee yourself a stress less journey.

Tips & Warnings

Get routine check-ups at least annually.

Eat only when you are hungry. Stay slim and healthy so that you will enjoy life better. Eat but don't forget to exercise!

Check with your doctor before you start changing your diet or exercise if you have any preexisting conditions or medicines.

How to avoid a headache

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1. Avoid eyestrain by working in a well-lit environment and wearing glasses or contact lenses.

2. Sleep the number of hours you need to feel rested and alert. This is vital for avoiding a headache.

3. Stretch frequently if your job requires you to remain seated for long period of time.

4. Get your teeth checked regularly. Periodic headaches may be linked to a dental problem.

5. Watch what you eat. Chocolate, wine and aged cheeses can trigger headaches.

6. Avoid very cold food and beverages.

7. Manage your stress. Learn stress management techniques, get into an exercise programme, or try yoga or meditation Ventilate your home and workplace.

8. Drink at least eight glasses of water or other fluids a day to ward off dehydration.

Tips & Warnings

If you are prone to headaches, keep track of what you eat, drink and smell when headaches occur.

Check your eyeglass prescription to make sure it is still correct

Headaches can be caused by medical conditions such as fever.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any activity related to health and diet. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment
