Product Review: First Endurance PreRace

26 02 2011

I was a little nervous to try out PreRace because my body doesn’t always react well to some forms of caffeine, but I felt I needed something because I, um, have a *little* coffee addiction.  This in and of itself isn’t a problem, but it becomes a problem when coffee makes you pee like a racehorse and you’re out on a 56 mile bike ride.  Enough about my bladder, back to the PreRace.

I tried out PreRace during a few workouts before first using it for the Knoxville HalfRev race (’10).  I was thrilled with the results.  I began by using 1/2 scoop of pre-race  mixed with one full scoop of EFS in one full bottle of water.  I drank my concoction about a 1/2 hour before the swim start.  I found that I could easily bump up to a full scoop mixed with my scoop of EFS with no ill effects on my stomach.

So what in the heck is PreRace?  Here is the description from the First Endurance Site:

PreRace is a revolutionary new pre-exercise supplement developed to provide endurance athletes with a potent mental and cardiac jump-start prior to races or workouts. The Pre-race formula provides all the necessary ingredients needed to increases mental stamina, increases time to exhaustion, increases maximum workload, improves mental clarity and increases oxygenation of muscles. Features include caffeine, taurine, qurcetin and a proprietary neuro-stimulant blend. PreRace comes as a flavor free powder which can be added to any pre-exercise or during exercise drink, like EFS. PreRace Clinical Study on a 40k Time Trial.

Nitric Oxide system increases time to exhaustion & improves performance
Clinically effective doses of citrulline malate & taurine to enhance cardiac output & performance
Improves mental acuity & enhances focus
200mg of caffeine & quercetin to boost maximum workload

There is a lot of great research on the product site if you need more information look there.  Here are my thoughts after a year of using PreRace.

  • I use my PreRace before any long (4+ hour) workout day that begins first thing in the morning.
  • I am up to one scoop of PreRace mixed with one scoop of EFS and I begin sipping it 45 min. before the gun goes off for my swim in a race.
  • For a half distance race I will mix a little PreRace in my flask (concentrated EFS and 1/2 scoop PreRace) to drink as I begin the run.  I don’t know if that’s an approved official use but I sure like the caffeine boost and caffeinated gels bother my stomach.  Scratch that, gels in general bother my stomach.  Read my review of First Endurance Liquid Shot.
  • The product description says tasteless but it does have a little taste.  It’s a little different so I have found that if I use less water (that concentrates the EFS) I don’t mind the PreRace taste.



2 responses

26 02 2011

I was just thinking about our conversation about this when we were in CR. I am going to try mixing it with a little EFS before my w/o tomorrow….hopefully I won’t go “haywire” but maybe hapywaire iss good 🙂

28 02 2011
Jeff Irvin

i think Pre race is the only FE product i do not use — gonna have to try it now b/c I love everything else!

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