4 Ideas for Alternative Advertising Strategies at the Gas Pump

Today alternative advertising is becoming a very well-known and effective way for companies and corporations to get the word out on the next big thing or the hottest new product. Despite all the constant dialogue between you and your friends about how gas is extremely high and how bad the economic times are bad we continue to spend money at the pump. That’s why you should realize that the gas pump is a hot bed for advertisement. We spend at least a minute out there; we both know that plenty of consumers have gas guzzlers so they spend plenty of time out there. Why not capitalize on this time that you have and get the word out about your products? Tens of thousands of people visit a gas station a day, there is advertising space begging to be utilized. I’m going to run down a quick list for you about great alternative advertising strategies the pump.

One idea for alternative advertising that could be used is to use the panel above those boring, depressing numbers draining consumers’ wallets. They will be more apt to pay attention to your innovative alternative advertising than to have to plan their next meal while their pumping gas. In order to maximize this idea’s potential you must you use color and words that grab consumers’ attention like money, free, and save. These ideas will captivate consumers due to the economic times and everyone loves a bargain. The cost for a block of advertising above the number is minimal at best.

The next idea is that you could use little inserts that go into to the top of the actual pump. So amidst the bland, boring, black pump you see color and life when your consumers begin to pump gas and they will actually pay attention to what you have to say.

The last idea I have for alternative advertising is to actually change out the window cleaners with window cleaners that have your brand attached to it. So every time the birds decide to “relieve” themselves. Your company’s name will be in their face and a consumer would pay attention to anything besides the mess on their window.

Take these ideas as you wish for your alternative advertising campaign. That is where the future is so why not stay ahead of it.

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