
what I learn is what u c

Steps to Change from Visual Studio Development Server to Use IIS Web Server

with 5 comments

Using Visual Studio 2005

 1. Goto Project Properties > Select Web Tab

2. Click “Use IIS Web Server” radio button

3. Click on “Create Virtual Directory” button

4. Open Web.config and change debug to true  <compilation debug=”true”>

5. Open IIS (Start > Run > Inetmgr)

6. Goto that your project Virtual Directory

7. Right click > Select Properties

8. Under Virutal Directory Tab, make sure it has Application Name.  If its blank, click on Remove button next to it and click Create.

9. Under ASP.Net tab make sure Version is 2.0 or whatever you need

10. Under Directory Security tab click EDIT

11. Make sure Anonymous and Integrated Windows authentication is enabled.
If these steps are not followed

you may not be able to debug you application using Visual Studio,

you may not be able to use IIS web server or its features.

Written by gchandra

August 29, 2007 at 11:24 am

5 Responses

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  1. how about in vs 2008 menu ?


    February 4, 2008 at 3:06 am

  2. In my situation I am running on Vista. I had the same issue not being able to debug ASP.NET apps, and read your resolution. During my attempt to make the changes you suggested, VS told me that in order to switch to using IIS, I had to run VS wiith Administrator privileges, so I changed set my VS shortcut to ‘Run as Administrator’. Leaving VS as is (continuion to run under the VD Development Server, not changing to use IIS), I was able to debug my application. Vista can be a real PITA !!!



    February 14, 2008 at 12:16 pm

  3. Just for debugging the application you dont have to switch to IIS. That can be done with VS development engine itself. I think its VS2005 feature more than Vista.

    I feel creating an application is better because,

    It helps in simulating the production environment,

    The library output is just one DLL.

    Relative reference to images works the same way in development as well as production.


    February 14, 2008 at 12:25 pm

  4. To answer “MayYourDay”‘s question, here is instructions to switch webservers in VS 2008.!D79966C0BAAE2C7D!782.entry

    Dan Anos

    April 28, 2010 at 2:41 am

  5. Very handy post!

    Azar Ali Zain

    March 7, 2011 at 3:05 am

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