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College Girl's PowerPoint "Fuck List" Goes Viral

She has since deleted or blocked all her social media profiles — the latter-day equivalent of going into hiding. Duke’s Dean of Students called her recently, the author told us, to check in. We contacted the Dean of Students, who declined to comment.

The subjects’ social prominence as students has helped make this an even bigger deal. “The people that are named in it are the kinds of people that everyone wants to be or be with,” the author said. “The top dogs, or whatever.”

We’re not condoning putting any of these sorts of things in writing or within range of the Internet, especially when using the real names of your partners. But you know what? Here’s another reminder that women can be as flip, aggressive, or acquisitive about sex as men can. And there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as all parties are consenting. (Of course, these guys didn’t consent to have their performances publicly evaluated, but there you go. Again, people, do not put it in writing.)

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