Training Lesson 12: File Management

File Management is simply the process of storing, organizing, and/or converting data files. This lesson is designed to give you a better understanding of the different file types and how to easily manipulate them in your daily activities. The SC32 Explorer is designed specifically for this purpose. The topics covered in this lesson, and subsequent lessons dealing with File Management, will utilize the different functions of the SC32 Explorer.

Before learning how to manage files, you must first learn the different file types associated with the SC32 program. Below is a list of these file types:

File Type
File Extension
These are all of your jobs, including any Include Files that you may have.
Update Files

These files contain dictionary definitions (steno-globals) that still need to be added to your dictionaries. When you steno global an outline, it doesn't go directly into the dictionary. Instead, it gets placed into an Update File so you can review them before permanently adding them into your dictionaries.

They are useful when working with scopists, since you don't want two separate copies of your dictionaries being used. Instead, you simply copy out the update file along with the transcript. When the job is complete, you can review them and then permanently add them to the reporter's dictionary.

Backup Files

These files contain complete backups of your transcript. Each time you save the file, by selecting File - Save or pressing Ctrl-S, the StenoCAT 32 Editor will make a backup of the previous version so that you can recover it, if necessary. This is a good reason to save often. The backup file will be named JOBNAME.TRN.BAK. If you need to recover the backup file, simply rename it to NEWNAME.TRN, then open the recovered file in the Editor.

The .BAK files are not automatically deleted, so you'll want to delete them off every month or so. You can delete these files by selecting Tools - Delete Backup Transcripts from the StenoCAT 32 Explorer.

These are files that contain your steno outlines along with their associated English translations. There are three types of dictionaries: Master, Case, and Special. Your master dictionary and any special dictionaries are handled the same, while case dictionaries are handled differently (see Cases below).
These are files that contain formatting settings to be used for any new jobs created.
A Case consists of a dictionary (called the Case Dictionary) and all jobs associated with that Case Name. Cases are useful for two reasons. First, they allow you to have a single dictionary to be used only with the jobs in that Case. Second, they allow you to manage jobs in bulk rather than working with them individually.


Also a dictionary (.DIC) for each case.

Key Sets
These are files containing defined keystrokes and their associated functions. They also contain any recorded macro definitions.
InSync Files
These are audio recordings of the actual proceedings. Although these files are handled separately (due to their size), they are always associated with the transcript bearing the same name. For example: If you have a transcript with the name MYJOB.TRN, then the corresponding InSync file will be called MYJOB.WAV

Changing View Types

To efficiently manage and organize your files, you should learn how to display files using different view types. Knowing this can assist you in searching and locating your files more easily. Ultimately, it's your preference on how to display your files, but just be aware that one view type may have distinct advantages over another. There are four different view types: Large Icons, Small Icons, List, or Details.

To Select a View Type

From the StenoCAT 32 Explorer, pull down the View menu and select the desired view type. For example: If you want to display your files using the Details view type, then select View - Details. Below are pictures and descriptions of each view type:

View - Large Icons

This view type displays the individual files as a separate large icon (shown in the picture to the right). Each file type has a different icon associated with it.

View - Small Icons

This view type displays the individual files as a separate small icon (shown in the picture to the right). Each file type has a different icon associated with it.

View - List

This view displays the files as small icons, but uses multiple columns for easy readability (shown in the picture to the right). Each file type has a different icon associated with it.

View - Details

This view displays the files as small icons in a single column. But, it also displays additional columns containing information about the file, including Job Name, Case Name, Pages, Size, and Date (shown in the picture to the right). Each file type has a different icon associated with it.

This view type should probably be the one that you select, since it information you will need to reference often. It also allows you to sort the files by column either from A to Z or Z to A.

It is recommended to select the Details view type, since it displays additional information you may need to reference quite often. In addition, selecting the Details view type allows sorting capabilities not available when using the other view types.

Sorting Files

When you have the Details view type selected, you can sort files by the information displayed in each column. To sort on a column, simply click the corresponding column heading located at the top of the display window. The file list will sort alphabetically according to the information contained in that column. The column in which the files are currently sorted should show a small triangle next to the column's title. In the picture displayed below, notice the triangle next to Job Name:

All column information is sorted alphabetically, but you can sort both forwards (from A to Z) and backwards (from Z to A). If the triangle indicating the current sort column is pointing up, then the column is sorted forwards (from A to Z). But, if the triangle is pointing down then the column is sorted backwards (from Z to A).

Having the ability to sort by column information gives you more organizational capabilities. Following are some different sort methods along with a description of when they would be useful:

StenoCAT 32 Explorer's Tab Interface

The StenoCAT 32 Explorer contains five different tabs that organize your files according to the type of file. The tabs are: Transcripts, Dictionaries, Templates, Cases, and Web. Each is described in its own topic below:


The Transcripts Tab:

The Transcripts tab displays a listing of all your documents. These documents include all jobs, include files, and any typed letters. You can access documents by double-clicking on the file's icon. Other functions are available if you right-click on the file's icon. These include:

If you right-click on a job with an associated InSync file, then following functions will also be available:


The Dictionaries Tab:

The Dictionaries tab displays a listing of all your dictionaries (not including case dictionaries). The listed dictionaries include both your master dictionary and any other special dictionaries you might have. Note that this list does not include case dictionaries, which are covered under the Cases tab. You can access any of the listed dictionaries, by double-clicking the file's icon. Other functions are available if you right-click on the file's icon. These include:

Included with your StenoCAT 32 software are three dictionaries: StenoCAT 32, RealTime 32, and Spellout 32. The StenoCAT 32 dictionary is a sample master dictionary. The RealTime 32 dictionary contains many pre-defined outlines to perform various editing commands during RealTime. The Spellout 32 dictionary contains a sample finger-spellout theory. You may or may not use them for your daily operations, but they are available for you to practice with.


The Templates Tab:

The Templates tab displays a listing of all your Templates. Not only does this tab organize your templates into one location, but it also allows you to directly access them to make any required modifications. This will become more important when you begin accumulating many different templates. You can access any of the listed templates, by double-clicking on the file's icon. Other functions are available if you right-click on the file's icon. These include:

There are some sample templates provided with the software, and others are available for download on Gigatron's website ( But, if none of the sample templates will work for you, then use the Template Creation Guide to assist in building a template.


The Cases Tab:

The Cases tab displays a listing of all your cases along with their corresponding jobs. The Cases tab is useful for several different reasons. First, it allows you direct access to your case dictionaries. Second, it allows you to copy and email cases as a whole, thus making file management quicker and easier. The Cases tab is displayed below:

Notice that the cases are listed on the left, while all jobs associated with the selected case are displayed on the right. Thus, you can quickly view a job listing for each case. If you right-click on the case file's icon then the following case functions will appear:

You can also perform functions on more than one case at a time. To select multiple cases, mark the check box for each case. Once all desired cases are selected, right-click on one of the case icons. The normal case functions will appear, but an additional function to Delete Selected Cases will also be available. This function deletes the case dictionaries and all jobs associated with the selected cases. NOTE: This is very, very dangerous, so DOUBLE-CHECK which jobs are associated with each of the selected cases before deleting.


The Web Tab:

The Web Tab allows access to help documentation and online services. Basically, the Web tab is just Microsoft's Internet Explorer built directly into the StenoCAT 32 Explorer. So, when you are connected to the internet, you can access any of the Customer Care services directly from the Web tab. Following is a brief description for each item accessible from the Web tab:

*** Indicates links that require you to be connected to the Internet.

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