The Colonel

The Colonel
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Find the funniest pictures and images from around the web. Our team of curators are constantly trauling through the best of what the web has to offer in way of funny pics and animations, then we bring them here, to you.

View the Internet's funniest pictures. Very funny pictures you'll want to share with your friends.

Click the image above to view another random image. There are thousands (literally) to choose from. Don't forget to Like and Share the picture you like on Facebook, that will allow your friends to come straight back to the picture themselves.

All of our time spent collecting these funny pictures and videos is done so completely for free. We don't, and will never charge you for viewing these hilarious pictures. We promise.

We do our best to make sure that none of these pictures offend, but if any of them do, we are sorry. Really, we are. Hopefully there won't be anything too rude or offensive.

If you would prefer to look at these pictures directly on Facebook then we have an app for that. Head over to the Facebook app. It's easier to share with your friends that way.