September 13, 2011
It’s funny being in a band when the two of you live in different countries.

a crane in Pula, Croatia

I (josh) live in Cardiff in Wales, and sam lives in manchester, england. Maybe not totally far away - a 5hr train ride separates us, but it’s enough. We don’t see each other for months at a time, but that doesn’t seem to matter. It suits the music we do. I live in Cardiff, between the sea and the mountains, Sam up a ruddy great hill outside Manchester. Maybe one day we’ll be able to jam songs out like a normal band, it’s not likely!

I do lots of field recordings, and keys/electronics, and mastering when we have enough time in the month, sam does guitars and smooching out of sounds, plus lots of the mixing and editing. I also do guitars sometimes too, and sometimes one of us do vocals (if it’s in english, it’s not me). We email everything everywhere between ourselves, talk and plan things on twitter, then sam uploads to bandcamp, chooses one of my pictures as the EP cover, we argue about titles, and then it’s released into the world for people to listen to.

It’s an oddly organic and convoluted process that’s develop over the past year. When it’s finished, I tell people about it, and try and get them to say things about us on the internet, sam keeps track of any of the money that people decide to give us (this is to be encouraged, we like to feel that people enjoy what we do sometimes) . I wouldn’t even call it DIY, it’s far too accidental to that.

It’s perhaps somewhat appropriate then for a band that couldn’t do what it does to have most of the people hearing about it in vastly different. We’ve had people find us in the US, Korea, Pakistan, Australia, Belgium, Spain, Russia, Hong Kong. Sometimes it can be completely mind blowing that this thing you’re doing in your tiny bedroom in a medium sized city in a reasonable sized european country can end up in people’s ears all over the world. Thanks guys!

We said we’d release an EP every month for a year, and we’ve got two left. So far, we’ve released 10, plus two albums. We’re very proud of the things we’ve done, particularly Noson o Haf. After the last one in November, we’re not sure what’ll happen. We might do some more conventional music (I already sort of do as Tour de Josh. It’s the polar opposite of this). We might try and do some of this stuff live - we’ve had a few offers, but the distance is prohibitive. We might even do something really silly like another 12 months of EPs. It’s going to be an adventure, right?

