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August 26, 2011

– this girl started kindergarten. i don’t like it one bit. neither does her brother. every day around noon he starts asking “get sissy? get sissy?” i’m completely confident that we’re making the right choice by putting her in public school (more on that later) but i just miss her!! and i’m so sad my time at home with her is over. it went by so fast.

– yes, she chose the outfit all on her own. right down to the socks.

– this guy thinks he’s tough. he’s showing you his muscles.

– brock starts mother’s day out next week. two days a week. while i’m a little sad about both of my kids being gone all day i’m REALLY excited about having a few hours a week to get things done before the baby comes.

– being pregnant during the hottest summer on record sucks.

– 10-ish weeks until sweet baby girl gets here. i’m nervous about so many things (more on that later too) but i’m mostly SO excited to have a baby around the house again.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. A Schaefer permalink
    August 26, 2011 12:00 pm

    So understand pregnant and this summer (and I am only 8 weeks)!!! Still staying IN the a/c of the house! Looks like a lot of exciting changes. Pray that everything goes smoothly for the next few weeks at least!

  2. linda permalink
    August 26, 2011 12:52 pm

    Great pic’s, both of them are getting so big… Praying that all is well and that God continues to give you Mercy and Grace… By the way feel for you I was pregnant with my first one during the summer he was born on August 5th…

  3. August 26, 2011 3:07 pm

    Ahh yes the empty nest syndrome round one. It is normal and will happen as they each go off to college or there own apartment or (God forbid) decide to move in with a significant other)
    Hope you don’t decide to have another baby for each significant separation!
    You have a gift with words, try writing a book or take a class or get a part time job working around your children’s school hours.
    They need to have their freedom to grow and improve their social skills nd be able to live in the world.
    We will pray for guidance for you.
    God Bless,

  4. melissa permalink
    August 26, 2011 3:36 pm

    Wow. I’m not really one for offering up unsolicited advice, but I don’t know that I would ever question the reason (even jokingly) that someone decided to have a child. That’s just tacky and as my 5 year old says, “That’s not using your good manners.”

    Um, anyway, V, I can’t see Mr. Muscle Man’s picture.

  5. Suzanne permalink
    August 26, 2011 7:27 pm

    Vanessa, OK where have you been hiding this big girl! This cannot be Jaycie, it must be an older kid I never met.

    When Brock goes to MDO, put your feet up and pamper yourself, yes, let some housework go!

    I still remember with distress being 9 months pregnant twice in the hot summer. That was 39 and 30 years ago.

    Love you guys! Does the new Hart have a name yet, or is that a secret?

    • August 26, 2011 8:22 pm

      we don’t ever name babies until after they’re born. 🙂 i have to see them!

  6. Jenna permalink
    August 26, 2011 9:01 pm

    I see Mr Man’s muscles! How fast they grow! DH and I were just talking how it was just yesterday we brought home W!

  7. August 26, 2011 10:37 pm

    Ahhh…….the smell of feminism in the morning!

    But, uh….you could name her after me. Just throwing it out there.

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